Chapter 12

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"Do you like Icyhot?"

I stay silent, scared of what he might be thinking. I avert my gaze, looking at everything but him.

"I'm not going to judge you. I just want to know. Do you like Icyhot ?" He repeats softly.

"I-" I starts off, but my voice gets caught in my throat.

"Come on, you can tell me." He adds in an attempt to reassure me. It works.

"Yes. Yes I do." I let out as fast as possible.

"I knew it." He snickers with a smirk.

"You did?"

"Yeah. You look at him with those eyes. At first I didn't know and I thought you were sick. But after I heard you and the girls talk, I understood. I wanted to give you some time." He explains.

"It's been three months!"

"Yeah, I didn't know how to ask. You know I'm your big brother, and even if I'm loud, you can trust me. For anything." It makes me guilty. Maybe I should tell him. Not yet. I have to think about it before. I have to be ready. But, eventually, I will tell him.

I hug him, not to tight to make sure I don't hurt my injured arm. My brother is amazing.

"I wanted to talk to you about that and also about Kurokage." I sweatdrop as I hear that. Has he figured me out?

"What about her?" I ask.

"Well, what do you think about her becoming a hero? Will she stay like she is now? I mean, mysterious, badass, away from the cameras... Or will she become like, like Hawks?" He questions me.

"I don't really know. I guess she will try to stay the same but in the end, I think we will all find out her identity. I mean, if she becomes a hero, I don't know if the Hero Comission is going to force her to show them her identity. Look, even now, she gave them one information and everyone is already aware of it." I explain. I'm totally genuine. I don't know if I will stay the same.

People like me like I am now. I became a vigilant because the heroes weren't doing their job and a lot of them chose to be heroes for the fame. The only thing is that I didn't want to wait until graduation. So I became a hero my own way.

If I get a hero license, I think I will try to stay away from the cameras and act like I always do. But people will annoy me, wanting autographs, reporters will ask for interviews, people will want to know me... I'm afraid of that.

"I see your point" Kat agrees lowly, cutting short my train of thoughts. "You see, I like her as much as I like All Might. I'm afraid she might... Change."

"I think there is nothing to worry about. Besides, I'll always be your favourite sister!" I cheer.

"Hana, you're my only sister" He states.

"Exactly! So I'm your favourite" I respond while nodding. He chuckles and sits on my bed. It's been a long time since we last did that. We discuss and speak to each other until Aizawa comes and drags him to his own room.

Tonight, I feel light. That's an amazing feeling. I spoke with Katsuki and I reassured him. I have to tell him, someday.

I change and get to my window, jumping onto a tree nearby. I hacked into the Hero Commission system earlier so I know where there will be no hero.

I actually hacked into Keigo's phone and since he was connected with the hero Commission, it was easy. Now my phone knows the way.

It's weird, tonight I'm going to patrol near my house.

Under The Mask MHA x OC (Bakugo's sister)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن