Bound by Love

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The soft glow of candlelight bathed the intimate ceremony space, casting a warm and ethereal ambiance as Y/N and Jungkook stood facing each other, their hands clasped together in a silent promise of unity. Their arranged marriage ceremony was a testament to tradition, but also to the budding connection and affection that had grown between them.

Y/N's heart fluttered with nervous anticipation as she looked into Jungkook's eyes, seeing the same mixture of excitement and uncertainty reflected back at her. They had come a long way since their first meeting, navigating the complexities of arranged marriage with grace and open hearts.

Their families, gathered around them, looked on with pride and joy as the ceremony began. The officiant, a trusted family friend, spoke words of wisdom and blessings, guiding Y/N and Jungkook through the sacred rituals that would bind them together in matrimony.

As they exchanged vows, Y/N felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion in Jungkook's words. He promised to cherish and support her, to stand by her side through every triumph and trial, and Y/N vowed to do the same, pledging her love and devotion to him for all eternity.

With the exchange of rings, their union was sealed, a tangible symbol of their commitment and love for each other. Their families applauded, their cheers echoing through the room as Y/N and Jungkook shared a tender kiss, sealing their vows with a promise of forever.

As they stepped out into the world as husband and wife, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and excitement for the journey that lay ahead. Together, she and Jungkook would navigate the highs and lows of married life, building a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Their arranged marriage had brought them together, but it was their shared love and dedication that would carry them through the years to come. And as they walked hand in hand into the sunset, Y/N knew that with Jungkook by her side, she was ready to embrace whatever the future had in store.

Soon they left for home

Jeon Jungkook ff - Arranged Marriage Journey Where stories live. Discover now