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Phana is in the bed, staring at the ceiling. He take some painkillers and put some ointment earlier since Mingkwan gave it to him before leaving his dorm to go back to his faculty.

Phana didn't know that his day will be boring. He didn't even do anything the whole day and doing nothing is not on his dictionary. He sighs, grabs his phone in his left and then opened his Facebook account to see if there are some announcement in their university.

Continuously bleeping of the notifications are the first one who appeared on his phone after he open his account. It's not that new, receiving those notifications so he just let his phone calm down first for few minutes. When it died down, he start scrolling on his account. He opened the official group page of their university to see if there are some new post from the Dean itself. He searched the Dean's Facebook account on the group page but there's nothing.

There's no post from the Dean so he starts scrolling on the group page. There's random post from different students in different faculty.

Phana saw some post about Beam and Kit with some pictures of them. Someone took a picture of them and posted it on the group page. Phana blinks, on the last slide of the picture, he saw Beam and Kit and a man facing his back on the camera. Phana is sure, it was Mingkwan. The faculty jacket says it all. Besides, Mingkwan told him that he got to med foodcourt earlier. It must be the time that those picture was captured. He saved the picture where Mingkwan's back was seen. The other picture with Mingkwan is not.

He scrolled again and saw a post of him wearing Mingkwan's clothes. Still the clothes that he is wearing while in the bed. He read the caption and Phana's eyes immediately widened.

Woah, I saw P'Pha of Medical in my dorm building. Also, I even got on the same elevator as him earlier! It was soooooo surprising!!! And the more surprising part is that, P'Pha is wearing Ming's shirt. Look at the sleeves, it's Ming's!!!! I think they are boyfriends already! Maybe P'Pha already accepted Ming's as his boyfriends!

Phana opened the comment section and he was more surprised because people are believing the caption about him and Mingkwan are boyfriends.

“How can they believe about that without any concrete evidence?” Phana asking no one in particular. Again, he saved the picture. It's not Mingkwan on the picture but looking at the picture posted by someone, it screams boyfriends. So for Phana, even if they are not boyfriends wearing someone's clothes with the name of the owner is like tagging you.

Phana scrolled again and this time. He saw a post from the other hazers in engineering faculty. It was posted not too long ago. Only 3 minutes.

In the picture, the freshman are wearing their Sotus shirt,  while forming a line. They looked so tired in the picture, it's clear that they are sweating so much in the picutres. Phana slide the picture and then he saw that in the second picture, the freshman are running. The sky is almost dark in the picture. It must be around 5 when they are running. The third picture shows the freshman doing their chants. In the fourth and fifth picture shows the hazers in front of the stage while the freshman are looking at them, sitting down in the field while some of them are drinking some water and wiping their sweats.

In the first fourth slides, Mingkwan is not seen because it was too crowded but in the fifth slide, Phana saw Mingkwan. Mingkwan is sitting in the side with his other friends. Mingkwan is wiping his sweats on his forehead and holding a bottled of water in his other hand. Phana immediately saved it and he will put in inside his private album later.

After downloading the photo where Mingkwan is seen, he continues scrolling to that post. The next few slides shows a few sets of students who are together while trying to find something around. Some of the students are looking in the tree, some are in the grass, some are in the back of the school and some are trying to find something near the trashcan.

Phana knows what they are doing. They are trying to get the hints to get the flag. Forth and his friends in engineering did the same last year.

Phana saw Mingkwan in one of the photo. Mingkwan is currently running with a red paper on his hand, it was captured in the background. The picture actually focuses on the three girls trying to analyze the hint they got. Phana downloaded the photo again before continue what he was doing.

Actually everytime he saw Mingkwan in the picture, he saved it.

The next few pictures shows how freshman analyze the hint given to them. And in the last slide, Levi—the representative of the freshman are holding the flag in his hand while putting it above his head, the hazers are looking and smiling happily to the freshman.

Phana smiled. He was proud of the freshman even though he doesn't know all of them. During his freshman days, Forth always ranting about how tiring the sotus in the moon and star practice. He just let Forth since he thought that it must really hard. They all need to be physically fit to do those things. The med faculty doesn't have any thing like Sotus, in the first day of school, they are just being oriented by the head committee on med. That's all, there's no thing like Sotus.

A knocked on his door makes him turned his face away from his phone. He stand up and walks closer to the door thinking that it must be his order. But to his surprised, it was Mingkwan who are holding a plastic bag. The same food that he ordered. Phana opened his mouth to say something but Mingkwan cut him off.

“What am I doing here? I'm visiting you.”


“What is this? Your order.” Mingkwan added and raise his hands signaling the food.


“I met the delivery guy in the lobby. He asked me if I am the one who ordered it and he said your name, I think he thought you will be waiting for him in the lobby and he mistaken me as you. I know you are still hurt and walking down the first floor must be too tiring so I decided to just say yes and pay for your order.” Mingkwan explained it all. He knows Phana will asked him first if what is he doing there so he cut him off and explain what is he doing there with his order on his hands. “Let me enter now, P'Pha.”

Phana looked at Mingkwan. The younger one are still wearing his Sotus shirt. It was still wet probably because of his sweat. He opened the door wide and let Mingkwan enter. He feels pity because Mingkwan looks really tired. Though he was curious why Mingkwan chose to go to him instead of just sleeping on his own dorm because he was tired of the Sotus.

“I'll sleep on your bed, P'Pha!” Mingkwan said and walks closer to the bedroom while Phana go to the kitchen to have his dinner.

Phana prepared his food and then take a seat on the chair, he starts digging his food and eat the food after putting the glass of water beside the plate.

He was eating peacefully but his mind think of Mingkwan's tired face. Did he eat already? Phana asked himself. Should I wake him up? But waking him up while he looks really tired is bad idea. Phana sighed and throw those thoughts away.

After few minutes of eating he washed the plates on the sink and go towards the bedroom. He saw that Mingkwan take a left side of the bed, he is half naked while facing to the right side. Phana walks closer to Mingkwan, sit on the bed as well and stare at Mingkwan's face.

It was too beautiful for his taste. You know, he looks manly but he was also beautiful and adorable charming man. Phana gulps, he wants to touch those cheeks but Mingkwan might wake up if he did so he just lay his body facing Mingkwan and stare at him.

“I really liked your name, Mingkwan. Especially your surname. Dechapanya.” Phana thoughts but never voice it out. Phana take out his phone on his pocket and put it in the table beside him. He can't put it on his left side because Mingkwan is sleeping in that side. After putting it on the table, he closed his eyes facing the right side so he was giving his back on Mingkwan.

Mingkwan wake up on the middle of the night and Phana is giving his back on him. He moves closer to Phana and hugged him from behind, putting his chin on Phana's shoulder before dropping a peck on the older ones shoulder.

“Good night, P'Pha.”

Phana opened his eyes when Mingkwan did that. He is already awake when Mingkwan moves and hugged him but he never say anything. He doesn't know what to say, it was too sudden. It was just a back hug, a peck, its not a big deal for Mingkwan. Mingkwan probably did that to other people too that he flirted with. Phana knows his not that special. He never really be special for Mingkwan.

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