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Phana is walking with his friends in the hallway. He is holding a book in his hands on the way. He actually borrowed those books in the library for the upcoming exam earlier so he needs to give it back now that he is done using it. When answering the exam earlier, he knows he will nailed it. Phana is confident about his answers. He knows all of his answers is right or if he had a wrong, it's probably only 3-4 numbers so it won't cause much of loss for him. The exam is just fine. Not too hard but not too easy as well. Overall, Phana enjoyed answering those.

“I'll go ahead, Pha! Beam! My brother asked me to go home early.” Kit said Phana and Beam when they stopped in the hallway. Phana will go towards the right side but Kit will go straight to go to the parking lot so their route will not be the same.

“I'll go with you, Kit. I need to go first too since I need to buy some groceries for my dorm.” Beam said and looked at Phana. “I'll go first too.”

Phana nodded his head to his friends. “Sure sure, go now. I'll put it back to the library first before going home.”


“Bye, Pha~”

Both Kit and Beam bid their goodbyes before walking to their car and leave the university while Phana continue to go to the library first.

He enter the library and then go near the librarian and put the book in the table and gave his ID for the name. The librarian listed Phana's name as well as the name of the book and what time and date did Phana gave the book back.

“Put it back where you borrowed it and then you'll put your signature here.” the librarian said so Phana nodded his head, grabbed the book and walks to the shelf that he get the book from. He find the right position of the boor earlier and then put it in the spaces between the same books. He turned around after to go to the librarian and get the ID back before putting his signature beside his name in the log.

He bid his goodbye after and go to the parking lot to get on his car. He was walking alone without minding other students who are still hangout with their friends, talking and gossiping about something on the hallway.

He is near his car when he realized that Mingkwan is beside his car. Mingkwan even leaned on his car while his left hand is on his pocket while the other hand is holding a phone, scrolling on his social media accounts.

Phana stopped for a seconds before he continues to walks. Mingkwan saw him from his peripheral vision so he immediately turn his body to face him and smile. He put the phone in his pocket and stand straight, waiting for Phana to go near him.

“What are you doing here? Your class already ends at 2 and you only have 1 hour for sotus. You should be home already at this time.” Phana said because he saw that it was already around 6. So basically at the certain time now, Mingkwan is already done with his classes and the hazing of Sotus.

Mingkwan blinks. He tilted his head. He never told Phana his schedule now. How did he know? That was the question in Mingkwan's brain.

Phana snapped his fingers in front of Mingkwan and it made Mingkwan get out from his clouded mind. He looks at Phana and smile, “I want to have some dinner with you.”

Phana raised his eyebrows. He crossed his arms in his chest. “Well, I don't want to have some dinner with you so can you move away? I need to go inside my car and you are blocking the door.”

Mingkwan shakes his head. “I want you to eat dinner with me and you will eat dinner with me. That's final.” Mingkwan said and snatched the key on Phana's hand.

“Yah!” Phana yelled in surprised. He didn't expect Mingkwan to do that. He tried to get it back from Mingkwan's hand with the same way that Mingkwan did to him but Mingkwan put it above his head while reaching his hand above. Phana nearly hold it using his hand but Mingkwan put it in his back, just in the butt part and because of that Phana bumped his body on Mingkwan's. That causes Mingkwan's to leaned his body on the car again but now, Phana is in front of him, their body is too closed, their face is only one inch apart.

Phana's heart was beating faster. Mingkwan is too closed. He even didn't know if he is breathing or not because he feels like being with the younger one this closed is like he is losing his breath.

Mingkwan's is surprised with what happened but he can't deny that he is kind of mesmerized by the beauty in front of him. Seeing the older one this near his face makes him feels like he was dreaming. Never on his life he imagine that this day will come. Mingkwan's eyes dropped on Phana's lips and at the same time that his eyes dropped on his lips is the same time that Phana licks his lips after gulping his own saliva because he is nervous after his heart is beating so hard. Phana feels like his lips is too dry so he licks it unconsciously.

Mingkwan though Phana was inviting him for a kiss when he licked his lips so he immediately pulled Phana's near closer to him so that their lips will touch each other.

Phana is surprised with that sudden attack on his lips, he gasped unconsciously and was about to push Mingkwan but Mingkwan though that Phana opened his lips a little to give him access to deepen the kiss so he immediately grabbed the opportunity to put his tongue inside Phana's mouth.

Phana didn't know what to do. He hold Mingkwan's faculty jacket in the edge. He hold it tightly when Mingkwan played his tongue inside his mouth with his tongue. It's like their tongue is like a sword inside. Phana doesn't know how to kiss so he is just trying to do what Mingkwan do.

Mingkwan needs to breath so he pulled away. He looked at Phana's face and that he saw some saliva in Phana's chin. It was the mixed of their saliva. He immediately wipes his chin too and then get his handkerchief in his pocket to wipes Phana's face who is still trying to catch his breath with a reddish color on his face.

Phana was flustered. He can't believe what happened. He is not that dumb not to know what they did. He knows they kissed or should we say they devoured each other's lips? Phana gulps. When Mingkwan wipes his chin because of their mixed saliva on his lips down to his chin, his legs almost give up but he did his best to stand up.

“Get inside your car, P'Pha. Let have some dinner.” Mingkwan whisper to Phana's ears while Phana is in dazed. Mingkwan guided Phana to get on the passenger seat before running lightly towards the driver seat to start the engine.

Phana blinks nervously and then grabbed his pants in tight part, tightly. He also turn his gaze to the window because he knows he can't look at Mingkwan after what happened. Phana feels like he is suffocating because of the overwhelming feeling in his chest.

Phana turn his head around when Mingkwan stopped his car. This is a dorm building and it's not where Phana lives so Phana thought that it's where Mingkwan stay and he already confirmed it when Mingkwan pulled Phana's hand to get out the car and walks to the elevator.

Phana didn't say anything and so does Mingkwan until they got on the right floor. Phana just let Mingkwan pulled him to wherever he wants to go.

Mingkwan open the door of his dorm and there Phana saw the kitchen part. There's a table with a carbonara, pasta, beef steak and a bottle of red wine. There are two pair of wine glass, plate, spoon and fork.

Phana looks at the whole table. It looks like a date for him.

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