Chapter Twenty Five

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"Don't you remember? You have read my diary before. That time, you snatch my diary from me and read it without my consent. After that, you finally found out about my crush on you. Do you remember what you did after you found out?" I smirk at him. Then I grab the bottle and throw it to his face.

"I don't like you, jerk." I finally said something that I want to say to him for a long time. Everyone look stunned at my sudden actions.

"What do you mean by this?" he asks with a tinge of red on his face. He looks angry and humiliated.

"That's what you did," I continue my story. "After you found out that I like you, you threw my diary to my face and said this to me, "You ugly nerd. I don't like you." Do you believe that? You read my diary without my consent, and after you found out about my feelings for you, you acted like you're the one who's being humiliated. "

"The worst thing is, you never apologise. Not even once. You don't even look guilty. You simply forget about it and treat it as nothing happened. Now tell me. Is there a reason why I can't hate you?" I look at him in pure hatred this time. My lips still smirking.

"I.. Did that to you?" he asks in doubtful tone. I'm even more annoyed that he still can't remember about it. It's not even my wrong doing so why am I the only one who can't forget it?

"I could even swear to the king of hell that you DID THAT to me. It's fine if you don't want to believe it. But don't ever ask why you gone to the hell after you die because I never forgive you," I snort angrily and stand up to leave. I feel angry and frustrated but I'm not going to cry. It's a waste of my tears to cry over that jerk.

I wish I can turn back to the time where I was crying after he rejected me harshly like that. Instead of crying, I wish I could give him a flying kick on his face at that time. It will be more satisfying and he won't forget about it until the day he dies, unlike now.


Ugh. I don't want to face him right now. Not after he found out about my embarrassing past. I quicken my pace faster and faster until I start running into the forest. I simply want to hide and have a private space right now.

"Nina! Come out! I just want to know if you're okay!"

I just stay silent. I'm glad it's the night time. He won't be able to find me easily. I lean on a tree and close my eyes. I need to sort my thoughts and feelings. Thinking on how to move on from that past. I suddenly open my eyes, shivers running down my spine.

There's something on my hand. Something smooth but rough, like a skin of a reptile. I tilt my head a little, just a little to peek on what's on my hand. As expected, it's a snake!

"HELP ME!!" I shout as loud as I can. This is what I learnt in the military camp. If a snake is on one of my body parts, I need to freeze my body and shout as loud as I can to get help. It's because snakes can't hear any sound. They also color blind so sometimes, they can't distinguish between human and a tree.

"Nina? Is that you? What happened?" Thank god, my saviour has arrived.

"A snake! There's a snake on my hand. Please push it away!" I beg him. He pick up a long stick and swing it hard until the snake tossed far away. I quickly get up and he grabs me to run.

"Huff... I thought I will die." I collapse on the ground.

"You shouldn't go alone into the forest at night." He comes to me and check my arm. "Thankfully you did not get bitten. Please don't do that again. You nearly give me a heart attack."

I lower my head. I couldn't look at him in the eyes. "Now you found out about my past, I must look stupid to you. That's why I can't face you."

"Why do you think that you look stupid? In fact, I think you're amazing. You still have the courage to confess to me, even after you have been rejected like a trash. And... I never said this to you before. Thank you for confessed to me. But I'm sorry."

When he apologize like that, I know I'm going to get rejected again. I want to smile, saying that it's okay but I couldn't. It's so hurt. If I'm counting all the rejections I have ever received, this will be the third time. I can feel a wetness around my eyes. I'm glad that I lowered my head.

"I'm sorry beacuse I can't confess to you now. But I promise. You will get the best confession you will ever received." I instantly raise my head at his statements.

"So, I'm not going to get rejected?"

"No. But you need to be a little patient." He smiles and wipe off my tears.

"Wooo!!" A loud cheering suddenly echoed. All of my friends coming out from the nearby bushes at once. Turns out they have been eavesdropping on us. Ryder and I look at each other before we chuckle.

"I'm so glad for you!" Aya run towards me and give a tight embrace. I hug her back. I'm really happy too. And then, Jane, Zahra, Ellie and Danielle all join us. While Zion got bullied by the other boys. All of them take turns to hit him and ask him to apologize to me.

"I'm sorry. I never realize just how immature I was. Looks like it's too late for me to ask for forgiveness," he says. I just look at him coldly.

"Glad you at least know that it's too late. Haa.. I forgive you." I smile at him. He looks at me in delight before I put on a cold again and say, "Just said it. You can't believe it."

I walk away from him. Aya gives me a thumbs up and I put my thumb on hers. This is why we're besties. We simply know how to slay. Then we continue our night with laughter.


So, what crush mean to you? For me, I'm not sure. My two crushes are completely different from each other. My first crush is someone who broke my heart without even thinking twice. While my current crush, is a sweet person. He tried to get to know me even after he rejected me.

Even though he stopped at some point, I made an effort to approach him. Thus, it makes our story continue. We may not be couple now, but he just confirmed that we will be in the future.

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