Chapter Twelve

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I don't know what to do right now. I told Aya I'm fine because I don't want her to worry about me, but I'm actually afraid to even leave this place right now. Should I just wait here for one hour and then go back to school?

I'm currently pacing back and forth while thinking about what to do. We aren't allowed to bring phone to school, so I can't text or call anyone. I feel like to cry at this seemingly hopeless situations.

"Nina?" I turn around to the familiar voice coming from behind me.


"It's really you. What are you doing here? Your house should be far away from here." Ryder walk over to me. Seeing that it's really him and not just my illusions, I run towards him.

"Oh my, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm so glad you're here!" I smile while running before stopping just in front of him. I know I can't get too excited and unintentionally hug him.

"Did something happened? You look so happy just seeing me."

"Yes, kind of. By the way, can you help me? I need someone to accompany me back to school. If you help me, I will treat you to a lunch tomorrow. Please?" I beg him.

"Why not asking your other friends?"

"My brother is coming back late and I have waited for him for one hour already. So now most of the students have gone back home. Aya has also went back home just five minutes ago. I will tell you why I can't go back alone so can you please help me?"

"Fine. But I need to throw out this trash first." He lifted the black plastic bag. I nod and follow him.

"So, what happened?" He asks when we are walking to school. Our pace is slow, like having a stroll around the area.

"I will tell you but don't spread it to anyone else, okay? I don't want Aya to be uncomfortable when there are too many people that know about it," I warn him first.

"It's about Aya?"

"Yes. You have heard that her father passed away last year, right?" He nods and I continued.

"That was her foster father. She has been abandoned by her parents since she's still a little. But when her foster father passed away, her real father came and suddenly, they started living together. Her real father is an alcoholic. He always hits her whenever he's drunk. She even showed me the bruises on her back, waist and legs."

"What about her foster mother? Didn't she say anything about it?"

"She has told her mother about it. But at that time, she asked her to bear with it. Aya said she didn't show her mother the bruises so that's probably why her mother said it like that. But one day, she was being hit by her father in front of the neighbourhood. Her mother also saw it and stopped him... " I continue to explain from the beginning until to the point where I end up being alone at the parking lot.

"That's why I'm really glad that I met you. It's like meeting my life saver, you know?" I heave a sigh of relief. I don't know what I would do if I don't meet him.

"Yeah. That was truly dangerous. But you're really brave to grab her and run like that." His statements makes me laugh.

"You don't know just how nervous I was. I thought he would chase us at full speed with his motorcycle and then just crash at us if we don't know how to stop," I say while calming down my heart. Thinking about that time again makes my heart beating fast.

"When are your brother going to take you home?"

"In 45 more minutes. He has a school program for two hours. Sigh. Waiting for more than half hour after that incident makes me a little scared. I would feel paranoid even when a stranger just passing by," I say while glancing at him.

"Why don't you just say that you need someone to accompany you until your brother is back?" He rolls his eyes.

"So, you will accompany me? Just 45 minutes. It's not that long." I grin while showing my teeth. It's not often to have a moment like this with Ryder.

"Fine. It's dangerous to leave you alone, after all." His words make me feel warm. I don't know he actually cares about me.

"It's rare to see you care about me," I blurt out my thoughts.

"Anyone would care about you at a time like this."

"Really? If that's so, they should care about Aya. She could only rely on her mother. That bastard has also not get caught yet. I can't help but worry. I'm don't know if he will do this again." We arrived at the school gate. We sits at the sitting place for students who wait for their transport.

"I think she will be fine if she has a friend like you. You just need to constantly check up on her." He reassures me and it makes me chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Not only I got to see you care about me. I also got to see you being a real gentleman. It's funny. One moment, I'm nervous and scared. The other moment, I'm happy and laughing. What a chaotic day. But thanks to you, it turns out this fine." I look at him and smile brightly.

He just stares at me before his hand reach out to my white ribbon and grab it. The next thing I knew, my loose hair is blown by the wind. I don't even realize when he untied my hair. We just stare at each other for who knows how long. It feels like forever to me.

"Do you..."

"Nina!" My little brother's interruption makes us wake up in the reality. We both look away in embarrassment. I look around to search for my little brother.

"Oh, there he is. Thank you, Ryder. I will treat you a lunch tomorrow. Bye!" I wave at him before go to my little brother. I get on the motorcycle and wear a helmet. I look back one last time and I see him wave at me with a white ribbon in his hand.

My eyes open wide. I totally forgot about my ribbon. I was so busy staring at him earlier. My brother already ride the motorcycle to our home before I could ask him anything. Looks like I could only get it back at school tomorrow. And I couldn't help but to look forward to meet him again.


Is it wrong to assume this
encounter as fate?


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