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Nola opened her eyes to a blinding light. She grunted loudly as she tried to sit up in bed, scratching her knotted golden hair, thinking it was her mom waking her up for school. Instead, she saw a woman who looked like she was made from the earth itself. She was short and plump. Nola was taller than her, and she was short for a thirteen-year-old. The woman's hair was loose. Its color was grass green and at the end of each strand, she saw tiny leaves. Her skin looked the color of rich soil. She wore a long tunic made out of dark green woven vines and her eyes were sky blue. The lady looked at Nola and smiled,

"Hello Cerulean, I've been waiting for this day to come, and it's finally here!" Her teeth were white and almost looked out of place on her face. Nola, still surprised it was not her mother at the foot of her bed, was taking deep breaths to calm herself down and was thinking about how embarrassing it was for the lady to see her in her furry pajamas. She realized that there was some sort of earthy girl in the room who was probably trying to kidnap her. She was about to scream for her dad, but she could hear no one in the house, not even her mom making as much noise as she possibly could in the kitchen. The place was quiet, too quiet. Then there was a voice at the back of her mind telling her to keep calm, and that the woman she saw was safe. Nola ignored it and shouted,

"What have you done with my family!"

"I haven't done anything to your family, dear, they went on vacation," the stranger replied calmly.

"THEY WENT ON VACATION WITHOUT ME!" Nola screamed. She was sure she was just dreaming, or was she hallucinating? A million questions were pounding in her head, she took a few breaths before she turned to the stranger,

"If my family is gone on vacation, then who are you?" Nola asked, her voice turning relatively quiet. The lady flashed her white teeth and gave her a sad smile.

"Nola, my dear, your parents don't remember you, you're not in their life anymore. I'll explain everything but it's very complicated. Let's start with my name, my name is Sky, all Creatures are named after the color of our eyes we are born with." All Nola could do was look at Sky, she felt tears threatening to fall out, but she blinked them back, she couldn't look like a wimp in front of this...creature. 'Have my parents forgotten about me? Is this all just a nightmare?'

"I can assure you that you're not dreaming, but Nola, you and I are not normal, we're from the Ancient Isle. I'm an Earth Creature and you're a Water Creature."

"Water Creature?" Nola replied. That was all she could force out of her mouth. More importantly, she wondered how the lady knew she was thinking this was a nightmare. Then she suddenly began laughing hysterically.

"Me?" she pointed to herself, "I'm a Water Creature?!" She began to laugh again. Suddenly the lady or earth creature started singing and Nola quickly stopped laughing and felt calm.

"Whoa, how'd you do that? Wait a minute- how do you know my name? How did you get here? What do you mean we're from the Ancient Isle? How do I know you're not kidnapping me? Is that just some sort of costume? Is this a prank?" Nola kept going on and on with her endless questions but Sky wouldn't answer. The Earth Creature cupped her dark hands, and some sort of liquid began foaming in her hands. Sky handed it to Nola.

"Here, drink this, it will calm you down,"

"I'm not drinking anything that randomly forms in some Creature's hand, especially if you're a kidnapper who's trying to poison me," Nola said, her face mixed with disgust and awe at the same time. She was wondering how the liquid even formed in Sky's hands.

"Nola, I'm telling you to drink this for your good, It will make you feel better and give you some answers."

"I'm not convinced, I don't even know who you are, where you've come from, and I still think you did something to my parents. How can they just forget about me?"

"Nola, I can't answer all those questions for you, but I can if we're someplace else. Like I said, you and I don't belong here, and the answers I'm about to give you, shouldn't be heard here."

"I'm still not convinced," Nola snapped, her arms crossed. Sky sighed and said,

"Cup," Nola looked at her in confusion, surprised at the subject change. A cup appeared in Sky's other hand. Nola gaped, shocked at how Sky could do that. Once again the cup was mixed with the color of the rainbow, the same color of the rainbow swirl. Sky poured the liquid into the cup.

"I'm leaving it here in case you want to drink it." After Sky placed the cup on the wooden side table, Nola felt tempted to drink it.

'I want to drink this, but what if it's poison? Is this lady trying to kill me?'

"Nola! I keep telling you that I'm your friend, please, just trust me!"

"Alright, fine, but if you do kidnap me, I will scream so loud that your eardrums will break, and until someone comes for help." Sky nodded and stepped back pointing to the cup. Nola grabbed it and glanced at Sky before she took a sip of the rainbow liquid. The drink was delicious and Nola loved it. She gulped it down without another word. It tasted like hot chocolate mixed with a liquid version of marshmallows and melted chocolate. Nola tried to drink every single drop but she got hit with a sudden surge of drowsiness. Nola looked at Sky thinking she was fooled. Sky smiled and put a finger to her lips,

"Sweet dreams Nola, you'll get all the answers once you sleep" The last thing Nola saw was that Sky snapped her fingers and a blue ring circled them including her bed, and suddenly everything went black.

Hello my alicorns or Keefesters for you KOTLC fans out there! Thank you for clicking on this story! This is definitely for people who love PJO, or KOTLC and be prepared for a lot of plot twists, scary scenes and some suspense. I had orginaly had this story on wattpad when I first started it, but I wasn't sure about it at first. Now that I have posted two KOTLC fanfics, I'm comfortable sharing this. I hope you enjoy this story!


Remember to be strong, be different and be YOU!


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