Chapter 4: I'll Still Be Here

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A/N: Call me crazy, but I couldn't stand having 2 short chapters that could have very well been put together. Please excuse my error. I'm still learning everything as I go and with this being my first story, I can be a perfectionist sometimes. I edited a few sentences here and there, because I didn't like the way it was written. I also changed the title of the chapter because I wanted it to come up as "new" since I made 2 chapters into 1. So technically it is a newish chapter, lol. Not too many changes. I hope you guys like it! Thank you again for reading my story (μ_μ)

I've been waiting almost a solid five minutes in front of the door since I knocked. I know it's early in the morning, but I couldn't sleep. My anxiety kept me up all night and I just couldn't stay alone at my own place any longer. I needed to talk to them. I'm tempted to knock again for good measure, but before my knuckles can make contact the door finally opens.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? It's barely 7am." Says the tired voice.

I push past them and walk straight into the apartment.

"Good morning to you too?" They close the door and make their way towards me.

I slump myself over the couch and groan into the throw pillows. I feel the weight of the cushion next to me sink in as they sit down beside me without saying anything.

Finally I sit up and look at them, "I can't do it, Rae. I just can't tell him."

She just gives me an annoyed stare, then finally rises to her feet and makes her way into the kitchen while saying, "I'll make some coffee."

I follow behind and sit myself on the counter as I watch her put the grounds into the filter.

"So.. what happened?" She says while grabbing mugs from the cupboard next to me.

"Well, I texted him to come over last night so that I can talk to him..." I trail off as I try to recollect the events of the night prior.

Suddenly I'm startled by Rae standing in front of me. I didn't realize she had already prepared our coffee and was waiting for me to continue. I really need to stop zoning out like that.

"Bitch, spit it out! You came all the way here and woke me up for this shit, don't hold back." She spats at me while shoving a coffee mug in my hand.

She takes a seat on the counter across from me and takes a sip from her cup.

"So I texted him to come by..."

***Flashback to last night***

I texted JK to come by when he had the chance so we could talk. I've gotten used to him being too busy these past few months; not counting the other night when we had dinner, I didn't expect him to actually have time for me today. That also may just be my nerves hoping he was actually busy so I wouldn't have to talk to him right now. To my dismay, he was available and said he'd be over in a few minutes.

I was pacing back and forth in my living room trying to build up the nerve for what I'm about to do. I've always been so confident with myself and never had an issue with any type of confrontation, but I just can't seem to pull myself together.

I suddenly hear a knock on my door. I'm startled so much that I scream, slip and fall to the floor. 

I hear JK knocking repeatedly and yell from behind the door, "Y/N, ARE YOU OKAY!?"

I use the couch to help lift myself from off the floor and yell back at him, "I'm fine! I'll be right there!" I make my way towards the door, but before opening it up I look at myself in the mirror beside it. "Pull yourself together!" I whisper yell to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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