Gu Wuji, after using his ability for a brief moment, sensed that it had entered its cooldown period, requiring some time before he could use it again. However, he also felt a slight increase in his ability after this encounter. Perhaps, with a few more uses like this, he could level up.

Gu Wuji knew that the other rooms were likely not peaceful either, but his abilities were limited, and he could only focus on the person in front of him. Rushing to save others would only alert the danger and put himself at risk, a fact he was keenly aware of.

He walked slowly to the edge of the neighboring bed, looked down at Sun Shi, and gestured with his index finger to his lips, whispering, "Sleep. It's okay now."

Despite the recent peril, Sun Shi, in his panic, truly felt a sense of reassurance upon hearing Gu Wuji's words and quickly drifted off to sleep.

The next day, they were awakened by a woman's screams.

After getting up, Gu Wuji saw Sun Shi looking at him with a respectful gaze.

Sun Shi immediately understood upon waking up that Gu Wuji must have saved him yesterday! He vowed in his heart to always regard Gu Wuji as his elder.

Gu Wuji nodded at him, telling him not to talk about what happened last night, and Sun Shi vigorously nodded in agreement.

Gu Wuji was well aware that spreading such incidents would lead to dire consequences, and he was clear-headed about it. However, he would definitely intervene to save others if necessary, provided they didn't act recklessly.

The two quickly tidied up and headed out.

A female player stood in the hallway, her face full of fear, and she frantically addressed the other players around her, "The person sleeping next to me has disappeared! There must be a ghost in this room!"

"Don't be too hasty," Peng Haocang reassured everyone as soon as he spoke, calming them down. "Maybe she just woke up early and went downstairs for breakfast?"

"No, that's not it," the female player shook her head frantically. "She was taken away by a ghost. There are signs of struggle on the bed, and the sheets are torn. How could one person do all this alone?!"

As the door was opened, everyone's gaze fell upon the bed, which was indeed in a chaotic state, sending shivers down their spines.

Not only one person had disappeared, but the female half of the other couple was also missing.

A sense of dread washed over everyone.

These were two living individuals who had vanished without a trace, and no one knew the reason for their deaths.

Originally just eight players, they were now down to six. Could they really endure four more days?

At that moment, a waitress approached and instructed everyone to come downstairs for breakfast.

Despite their panicked mood, skipping meals was not an option. They reluctantly went downstairs and gathered around the table. Peng Haocang had become the de facto leader among them, consoling the weeping woman until she calmed down.

The waitress paid no attention to the pale faces of the guests and efficiently served the food. The enticing aroma from yesterday lingered, making every dish mouth-watering.

However, as a meat dish was brought out, the woman who had just managed to regain some composure noticed something chilling—a tattoo-like pattern on the meat, identical to the one on her missing roommate from yesterday—

(Kipzi - ewwwwwww)

Her face turned pale instantly, and she let out a piercing scream, backing away in panic until she fell to the ground, her trembling finger pointing at the meat.

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