"I love you too Six." He says and I laugh.

He grabs the bracelet and slips it on me, then without a word we get up and head to breakfast.


I sit in that chair, my leg bouncing up and down. Tobias rests a hand on my thigh to calm me.

"You just nervous? Or is there something else?" He whispers. I look around at everyone, their eyes are steered to the floor and hardly anyone is moving.

"I'm really nervous." I tell him.

"Hey." He says and moves my face to look at him, he leaned forward and looking serious at me.

"We're alright you know, you and me. Nothing else is, but we are. We always will be." Tobias tells me and I kiss him softly. Hoping that the feel of his lips will be the last thing I remember before going into my nightmares.

"I love you." I say to him. "I love you too." He says.

"And you're going to do just fine, you know how I know?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"Because fear doesn't shut you down." Tobias tells me. "It wakes you up." He adds. His face holds the truth and you can clearly see how he believes every word he tells me. I smile at his comforting words.

Tobias kisses my temple and I watch as the big doors open and Uriah steps out. For once you can see fear on the guy's face- which makes me feel so much better.

I gulp waiting for the next name to be called. "Tris." Max calls. I let out a shaky breath and Tobias can tell.

"I love you." He whispers into my ear. "I'll see you soon." He adds and I stand up.

I look back once more, to let his face be the last thing I see before my fears. As I look to him I see him mouth something to me. Be Brave. Then the doors shut.

Max walks me up to the big chair in the center of the room, I can see people I have and haven't seen before. There are screens all around and I'm guessing that they'll project my fears onto those screens. "You ready for this Tris?" Tori asks.

I let out a jittery breath, "Yeah." I say and she sends me a small smile. Then when the prick of the needle hits my skin, I'm in.

The squawk of birds wake me. My eyes peel open to the bright shinning sun and a flock of black crows coming towards me. I scramble to get up, and I run.

I run to the wild fire burning in the corner, grab a large branch that is burning as well, and wave it towards them. Knowing that they don't like fire or at least won't come closer to it. It works but I am soon tied up, in a post, with fire swirling at my feet.

I take deep breaths but I becomes hard with the amount of smoke wafting up. I bend forward to burn the rope with the fire, yet catching on my skin as well.

The smell of my burning flesh soon goes away as I stand blindfolded. I can hear whispers of men, three if I'm right. I'm roped up again and all is blank. I swing my hands and hit something- someone. I kick and hit another. I move around hitting and kicking as much as I can till I hit something that I recognize as glass.

The ropes and blindfold fall and I see that I'm in a tank filling with water. All I can think now is that I hope Tobias won't appear, making it harder to get out. Having to watch him drown and be stuck in a claustrophobic space. But he doesn't show.

The water reaches my stomach and I start breathing heavier. Then I touch my lips lightly and it's as if I'm popping little bursts of memories sitting on my lips. Because the feel of Tobias's kiss lingers there, giving me strength and drive to go on.

I take my jacket off and stuff it in the nozzle where the water is coming from and I'm moved to a different scenery. One dark and eerie looking.

The noise I hear I distinguish as a moan. A pain filled moan to be exact.

I turn around and it's Tobias, laying on the cement ground in a puddle of his own crimson blood.

"Tobias!" I call out. I run to him, and find a knife piercing his stomach. The blade deep in his flesh and the end sticking up right. I grab hold of it, and try to pull it out but I cant. It's stuck.

His breaths become heavier and I can see it's hard for him to get air. I caress his cheek lightly, staring into his eyes. They're not the same blue I fall in love with though, they're much darker- almost black.

It's not him, it's not him. I stand up and back away from the simulation Tobias, and suddenly the picture of the one true Tobias forms in my mind. I smile and am moved to a metal room, one that holds my parents, Caleb and Tobias.

A single gun lays on a square table to my right. I go over and pick it up. The coolness of the weapon sends chills up my spine, or maybe it's the thought if what I'll have to do with it. I take a deep breath and walk towards the members of my family and the man I love.

"You can do it honey." My mother says, and hearing her soft loving voice makes it worse.

My father stares down at the father, no even looking at me. I wonder if this is a replication of how he feels in real life. Unable to look at me, unable to look at his daughter that abandoned her faction.

My brother stands there, looking at me but not speaking. He looks scared but not at the same time. Maybe he is already prepared- even though it's an unreal simulation. He is erudite, and they seem to know everything.

Then there's Tobias, standing there looking at me as well. But his look isn't stern or accusatory. No it's filled with love and I can almost see him saying that it's okay. That we'll be together again.

I didn't even realize the effect that this was putting on me till a tear falls from my eye and rolls down my cheek. Leaving a streak of pain and sorrow.

I bring the gun out in front of me and with one pull of the trigger... It all ends.

I wake again and Tori hovers over me, a small smile of approval on her face. "You did good kid." She tells me and I thank her. My voice soft, still shaky from what I jut endured.

I get up from the chair and walk slowly to the door, my feet moving like molasses, still trying to unsee what I went through.

I open the door and step into the waiting room. I hear max call Will's name and I see him pass me.

But when my eyes catch Tobias's true blue eyes, that's all I see.

He said he'd see me soon, that I'd see him... And like he always does, he kept his promise.

(A/N: Hey everyone! I hate to tell you all this, and It feels like its all too soon.. But there are two chapters left till the end. It doesn't feel like it's been long enough. I'm really excited about the last couple chapters and hope you'll enjoy them.. I just wanted to let you all know. Thanks!! Love to all!❤️)

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