Chapter 2

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"Greetings from the Star of the Empire."

The knight who guarded the Empress's palace greeted Etienne with a respectful bow.

"Where is Her Majesty the Empress?"

"She is in the meeting room."

Etienne's expression stiffened at the knight's response. Being in the meeting room implied that someone was meeting with the Empress. He couldn't help but feel a surge of irritation and clicked his tongue momentarily.


Suppressing the impulse to turn around immediately, Etienne entered the palace. As he stepped into the hallway, about a dozen palace servants all bowed respectfully. He acknowledged their greetings with a nod and continued walking.

The faint scent that lingered in the lobby of the Empress's palace grew stronger as Etienne approached the meeting room. It was a captivating fragrance, almost dizzyingly so.

Etienne consciously took a deep breath before exhaling. Otherwise, he felt like he might suffocate from the Empress's pheromones.

"You have arrived, Your Majesty."

As he reached the reception room at the end of the corridor, the chamberlain greeted Etienne with a polite demeanor. In that moment, Etienne felt a shiver run down his spine.

There was an overwhelming scent that pierced his nostrils, mingled with several other fragrances, as if they were all vying for attention. The pheromones emanating from behind the closed door weren't just from one or two individuals.

"Her Majesty the Empress, His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince, have arrived."

"Let him in."

Upon the chamberlain's announcement of Etienne's arrival, a seductive voice flowed out from within. Etienne silently swallowed dryly at the pheromone scent that subtly wafted through the door as it opened.

"Please come in, Your Majesty."

As Etienne stood there with a stoic expression, the chamberlain urged him in a stern voice, tinged with subtle disdain. Despite feeling a momentary surge of annoyance at the implied disregard, there was nothing he could do.


Was this how a prisoner felt being led to their cell? Etienne took a small deep breath before addressing the Empress and stepping into the room.

"You have arrived."

The scene inside the room was surreal. Etienne narrowed his eyes as he looked at the Empress, who was half-lying on the sofa, and the people moaning beneath her.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Every individual pleading to the Empress was an alpha. Etienne glanced down at the Empress's attendants with a disgusted expression.

Nobles who were central figures of the aristocracy, knights once hailed as heroes, and heirs of renowned noble families, at this moment, all bowed down to their desires like slaves.

"Your Majesty, please..."

Enchanted by the Empress's pheromones, her attendants paid no mind to Etienne's entrance or words. Their gaze was solely fixated on the Empress.

With a half-crazed demeanor, the Empress gazed fondly at her attendants, who were fervently seeking her affection. They were faithful servants who desired everything about her.

"Your Majesty."

The closest attendant to the Empress called out to her in a yearning voice. Willingly, the Empress dispersed her pheromones for her pleading attendants. Like a garden in full bloom, the scent emitted by the Empress spread in all directions.

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