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'If there is a god, this shouldn't be happening to me. As if my life wasn't already miserable enough, how much more pathetic can it get from here?'

Etienne bit his lower lip and hunched his body as much as possible. His teeth clashed together as if frozen, and his body trembled. While his body convulsed, his insides boiled like bubbling water.

'Please, please, please...'

Etienne silently prayed, feeling tears welling up. Whether it was a god, a devil, or anyone else, he just wanted someone to save him from this crisis.

But no one answered his prayers. As always, once again, no miracle occurred.


Along with the sound of stepping on grass, an urgent voice reached Etienne's ears. Trying to calm his body somehow, Etienne stiffened as the voice pierced his ear.

It was the voice he least wanted to hear at this moment.

"Why all of a sudden...?"

Richard, who had been chasing after Etienne, paused his words as if catching his breath. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Etienne, who hid his face between his knees. Something was off.

"...Are you crying?"

Richard, who had hesitated momentarily, asked in a quiet voice. Etienne didn't respond.


Richard called Etienne again when he received no words in response to his question.

"Etienne Hyung-nim."

'Persistent brat. Just leave me alone.'

Etienne inwardly cursed Richard as he called out to him. He wanted to tell him to go away with that attitude of his, but he couldn't. Richard would surely notice something was wrong if he made a sound now.

"Haa." Richard sighed softly as he glanced down at Etienne, who remained ignorant of his presence.

Etienne clenched his teeth in response to the faint sound of breath above his forehead. With just that one breath, his lower abdomen twitched.

It's still okay. For now.

Etienne exerted all his strength to calm the heat in his belly. He had to suppress the raging pheromones somehow before Richard noticed.


Etienne exerted all his strength, gripping his throat tightly to prevent his voice from trembling, and managed to utter a single word. He hoped Richard wouldn't pay any attention to him and just leave. If Richard found out, it would be the end of everything.

However, Richard didn't move according to Etienne's wishes. Being sensitive, he detected the slight tremor in Etienne's voice as if it were submerged in water.

"I can't go alone."

Behind the stern voice, there was a crisp sound of grass bending. Right after that, a scent reminiscent of the chilly night air wafted closer. Richard knelt on one knee in front of Etienne.


Etienne swallowed a gasp of air in response to the intense pheromones that tickled his nostrils. His stomach heated up as if it were ignited with oil.


Feeling a chill running down his spine, Etienne curled his toes. His mind became dizzy, and his temples throbbed.


Richard, sensing something strange, reached out his hand towards Etienne. Richard didn't want to touch him, but he had no choice. At this moment, Etienne was visibly unstable.

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