Epel lets out a frustrated groan. "Forget it! We can't spend all day hemmin' an' hawin'! I ain't gonna sit back on the sidelines! I'm goin' after Rook! I can't stand the idea of sittin' pretty while someone else does all the work!"

You think back to the last time you saw Grim. He was being carried off by the invaders, crying out for you. You remember how Deuce and Ace are passed out in the infirmary, how your heart ached when you saw them.

Epel stops pacing and looks to you. "I know what you're thinking. There's a chance we'd just be dead weight. But you can't stand it either, right? I mean, they got your partner and our friends."

You nod. "I dont have any magic but I want to help. I want to get my friends back."

Epel grins. "Night Raven College students don't take this sorta thing lyin' down!" Epel takes your hand. "Come on, Y/N! Let's do this!"

Rook sails through the night sky on his broom. He holds his hat so it doesn't fly away in the wind. His dorm uniform billows behind him. "The traces head north. With a broom and a teleporter, I can reach them in a day. Maybe even half a day if I push. I wonder if Monsieur Pommette is angry with me for leaving as I did."


Rook chuckles. "Yes, he would undoubtedly yell my name in that energetic tone of his, and-what?"

Rook halts and turns around, eyes widened when he sees Epel racing after him on a broom with you sitting behind him.

"We finally caught up to you! NOW GIT ON BACK HERE!"

You burry your face against Epel's back, holding onto him tightly. "Oh my god, oh my god! This is way higher than the carpet went!"

Rook tilts his head. "You came after me?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Epel shouts. "Yer outta yer apple-pickin' mind if you thought we'd just sit around! Like Ah'd ever let you go alone! We're comin' with ya!"

Rook shakes his head. "Oh là là! That you must not do, Monsieur Pommette. It's much too dangerous!"

"Ain't it the same for you?" Epel retorts. "You couldn't do diddly-squat against those armored varmints!"


"If you ain't gonna stop, Ah'll smack you offa that broom mahself! Ah'll light yer whole broomstick on fire!"

"Oh, please don't!" You cry out. "I'd rather not fall to my death, thank you."

"Je me rends!" Rook exclaims. "All right, I surrender! Epel, let us find some place to land."

"Yes, please!" You shout.

Epel shakes his head. "No way! I ain't goin' back, an' that's that!"

"That's not what I was suggesting." Rook sighs. "We should take a moment to calm down and talk. And if I might add, you'll freeze into an Ep-sicle if you keep flying in those clothes. Really now. You're not even using a windblocker spell!"

Rook gestures to you. "And think about Y/N. Her lips are as blue as the sky. Rest assured, I won't try to send you back. Just follow me."

Rook leads Epel down to a nearby lake. You shakily hop off the broom, the cold finally setting in now that the adrenaline wore off. You start shaking like a leaf.

"I'm about freezin' mah fingers off." Epel shivers.

Rook holds your hands in his. "Your hands are cold as ice. I'll get a fire going."

With a wave of his pen, Rook lit up a camp fire. You sit down on the cool grass near the fire. Rook digs into his bag and hands you a metal thermos. "Good thing I brought a thermos of hot tea. Now go on, both of you, drink up. It should help you get warm."

You're about to take a sip when Epel lowers the thermos from your lips. "This isn't cursed, right? You're not going to put us to sleep and leave us here, are you?"

Rook shakes his head. "Hardly. Unless you're Vil, one cannot simply conjure up a curse without an incantation and special equipment."

With that, you take a sip and instantly start to feel warm. You had the thermos to Epel.

"I admit I'm rather shocked." Rook takes a seat beside you. "I did not expect you two to come after me."

Epel nods. "Yeah, I know. We might only slow you down. I won't ask you to take us along. But I'm going to follow you either way. Those people hurt our housewarden and our friends. I'm not gonna just take that!"

You nod. "I wasn't able to do anything when they took my friends but I want to do something to get them back."

Rook stares into your eyes before he looks to the fire with a frown.

"Why are you scowling?" Epel asks. "You left without permission too, you know! I don't see how you're any better than me! You can scold me all you want, but I'm not going back!"

Rook shakes his head. "Non, you have it wrong. I'm not angry with the two of you. I'm angry with myself for failing to give your tenacious spirits due credit."

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