I know I don't want to be the one that you run to

9 0 0

The weekend came and went and soon it was Monday.

Juniper was ready and about to walk out the door with Stu when she turned to Benji.

"The sitter will be here in around 5 minutes don't be dumb don't die and I love you"

Juniper walked out the door with Stu and they hopped in his car.

The drive was tense it was their first day back and they already had to rewrite plans they had 4 attacks scheduled for Sidney throughout the week.

one today then Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday they skipped Tuesday in case Sidney decided to skip from the first attack.

Juniper was planned to be a shoulder for Sidney.

"call off today's attack I want to do one tonight," Juniper said rather angrily.

"Whatever m'lady" Stu giggled and hopped out of the car and went to Juniper's side he opened the door for Juniper.

"thank you sir'" Juniper joked to calm Stu down she could tell he was stressing out about her.

Juniper stepped out and grabbed Stu's hand and pulled him along.

"come on don't be late!" Billy yelled to Juniper and ran over to her and Stu.

Why was he running to us he had never done this before. Juniper thought this was extremely strange.

Billy was initiating lots of conversation with Juniper and Stu seemed to not mind.

His stoner friends called Stu over and he said goodbye and ran off.

Juniper stayed in class when an announcement came from the speaker "There will be a curfew set in tonight starting at 9."

Juniper booed with the rest of the class. the murmur was loud in the classrooms around the school until the end of the day. 

Juniper ducked into the bathroom after school as she walked into the stall she heard the lock on the door click.

she stepped out and Tatum stood in the way of the door. "what are you doing with MY boyfriend?"

"you mean MY boyfriend come on Tater-Tot he saw me and decided to upgrade" Tatum looked shocked.

"you stole him you whore!" Tatum stormed out of the bathroom and Juniper followed closely behind hiding.

She saw Tatum run up to Stu and slap him Stu rubbed his face and looked around.

Juniper hid behind Billy who was also spying

Juniper walked to Stu and Billy ran after her.

"Tatum step away from my boyfriend!"

"I thought you broke up since you were getting so handsy with Billy"

"I was not and besides at least I'm not a two-faced bitch! you can barely put on mascara, right? Besides the second Stu dumped your ass you skipped town"

Juniper grabbed Billy's and Stu's hands and stormed to her car.

she barely noticed her pulling Billy into the backseat with her when Stu started the car and drove.

"we're attacking Tatum I don't want to see her face anywhere but in the newspaper announcing her death."

"Whatever you say," Billy said smiling.

"Tonight," Stu said laughing.

their plan was set Juniper had it set up perfectly she knew Tatum and Sidney were going to have a sleepover tonight.

Juniper was going to call Sidney to distract her then when Tatum was alone Stu would attack her.

then when Sidney inevitably runs in to help Tatum, Stu would run off and Billy would swoop in to comfort Sidney.

Juniper would pretend to call the police to catch "Ghostface" and Stu would go home.

as they ran over the plan Benji called Juniper to help him with something and Billy and Stu were alone.


Tatum lay on her bed with Sydney they were talking shit about Juniper.

soon Sydney's mobile rang and she picked up.


"Sydney it's me Juniper can we talk" Juniper was crying.

"um sure just a sec" Sydney covered the speaker with one hand.

"sorry Tate I have to take this brb"

Sydney walked out.


"I think Stu is cheating on me!"

"wha- why "

"he's out right now and he promised to hang out with me tonight he called me and canceled but I saw him talking to Tatum! he said he left her for me but  I'm starting to think he didn't even cut her off!" 

"oh June Tatum would never she hates Stu's guts."


"I would never lie-"

Sydney heard a scream she shrugged it off.

"what's happening over there Sid are you ok?"

"I heard a scream."

"Look Sydney I don't need a cheating boyfriend and a dead best friend go check on Tate I'm calling the cops!"

Juniper hung up.

Sydney crept out of the bathroom and saw Tatum cowering in fear with a masked man standing over her.

the man didn't notice her and she crept behind him Tatum looked directly at her.

The man noticed and snapped back to look at her he tackled Sydney when a door creaked open and he ran off.

the girls were shaken up and after a minute of silence the front door opened and the girls ran to hide in the bathroom.

they locked the door and stayed silent.

a voice came out "Hello? Sidney, Tatum, I heard a scream and went to check on you"

It was Billy the girls not knowing what to do called the cops in silence while Billy searched the house.

the girls heard the front door being broken down and Billy getting detained

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