Bring him back to me!

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Stu went home with Juniper that night and they soon fell asleep after getting settled.

the night was the first of many Stu had slept the entire night and the first of many when Juniper would not sleep.

Juniper stayed up the night she knew she had to figure out plans for her week it was a Saturday which meant she had school in two days.

she knew Millie would not return to school and Benji wasn't going to want to go without her so Benji would be staying home.

she knew she needed to return to figure out the killer she was going back to school but with Stu and her who would watch the kids she knew Billy would need to go to school too.

She booked a babysitter for the week until Benji was healed enough to go back.

her plan was set she began packing lunches and planning what theyre planned for Sunday mostly cleaning then head over to Billy's.

maybe end the day with-

Juniper's eyes began to close and she soon fell asleep.

she awoke to Stu's soft call and she stood she walked to the direction of the call stumbling into the kitchen.

Stu was standing in the kitchen with a knife and a phone.

the phone rang and Juniper ran to get her mobile.

she called Billy she knew what was happening the killer had just called Stu.

"Hello? Juniper it's like 7 am on a Sunday what do you want."

"look the killer called Stu I need you here now!"

Billy hung up and Juniper ran back out to the kitchen Stu was on the phone.

"Look I do not want to talk, just.. bring him back"

"play my game Stu come on you know you want to."

"whats the game smart guy"

"Lets see you answer questions if you get it right he lives if you don't he dies."

Juniper grabbed the phone.

"start asking"

"Juniper finally I've been looking forward to talking to you"

Billy burst through the door and straight to the computer room Stu followed and Juniper was alone fighting for her brother's life.

"Look dude ask questions you have 3 minutes before my boyfriend and Billy trace your number to an address we'll be there soon so lock the doors."

"what if I told you I'm somewhere you know very well" The copycat giggled.

"easier to kill you and find Benji start asking or tell me where MY GODDAMN BROTH-"

Stu ran up to her and took the phone.

"Get out of my damn house and bring me Benji Teddy I know your parent's jobs do you want me to tell them that you are not only a killer but a PHONY COPY!" Stu was yelling and Juniper stepped back.

Stu breathed heavily for around 3 minutes before hanging up the phone "stay here Juney I'll be back soon."

Juniper nodded and went upstairs to get ready. she emerged downstairs dressed and ready to go anywhere Stu might need her to go her wound had healed almost overnight and it no longer caused pain.

Juniper sat on the couch and Stu walked in Benji behind him.

"great way to start my weekend!" Juniper said sarcastically.

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