♡ Don't be late to class ♡

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it was the next day Juniper had gone home after talking to Sidney.

she awoke and put on clothes her smashing pumpkin's tee and some baggy jeans.

she was so tired she almost passed out getting ready. she got ready grabbed her bag and keys and waited for her brother.

as Benji ran down the stairs he yelled "Come on Juney don't be late."

as he bolted out the door Juniper laughed she walked out and her brother had already sat down and buckled.

as she hopped in she saw a note on her dash and she grabbed it.

"what's that Juney" Benji asked as they pulled out of the driveway.

"I don't know it's probably not important I'll read it later."

Juniper popped in her Cardigan's CD and put music on.

Love fool - the cardigans 

as they drove to school they sang Juniper was looking attentive but something kept grabbing her attention.

Why was Ghostface in her room?

as she pulled into Benji's school he hopped out and ran to a girl and hugged her.


Juniper drove to her school in silence.

she parked her car and went in for once she wasn't the spunky Juney she was the reserved quiet June.

she went to first and Stu talked to her she wanted to run but wanted to stay.

she was torn between reporting this guy and dating him, he made a move earlier. she went through her classes until 4th when she ducked into the bathroom.

she felt herself falling asleep and dozed off she heard someone run in and saw it was Sidney.

she regained consciousness and heard Sid crying she was in a stall and she began to stand when she saw big black boots hit the ground.

he's here.

Juniper grabbed her things and got ready to run she just touched the lock when she heard the bathroom door click it was now locked. this meant a fight to the death.

She saw Sidney run to unlock the door and big boots followed she burst out Sidney opened the door and ran out.

Juniper tackled the killer to the ground he was unconscious.

she stood and locked the door she was finding out if her crush was a killer.

Ghostface awoke to being tied to a sink wrists and ankles bound he could barely move.

"finally" Juniper walked to him she had his knife.

"Now Mr. Ghostface I want to know were you the one who left the cute note saying 'remember me'?" 

He shook his head "lame I wanted to know" Juniper grabbed her backpack and put it on.

She walked up to the killer and ripped off the mask "Really you go to your girlfriends to hang out then try to kill her the next day Billy come on."

"Fuck you Juniper" "I'm not going to tell anyone not even her I'm pissed at her right now anyway." Juniper freed him. 

"Don't be late to class. oh, and I will be keeping this tell your little friend he can pick it up at my house later." Juniper walked out of the bathroom and the bell rang.

Juniper knew he would be over to pick it up it had his DNA.

She was excited for the visit.

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