This is shit but I cant stop listening

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Juniper sat on her bed and held her head Stu was crazy. 

the guy she showed barely any interest in was a psychopath who killed people. 

Thats Hot. 

Juniper extinguished the thought from her head. 

No! She was not going to fall in love with a psychopath. 

But what if she did? Juniper sat in her bed it was already 4:12 am. 

She shut her window she left it unlocked. Did she want him to come back? she opened it slightly she opened it more. 

she fully opened the window put on her Converse and crawled out. What the fuck am I doing?

soon she was walking down her street then down another her feet guided her. She was at Sidney's she crawled through her window. 

Billy was in the room as she climbed in. "oh- hey Billy." Juniper said brushing herself off Billy stood and crawled out of the window. 

"I'll leave you two alone" Billy crawled out and Juniper locked the window behind him.

"he came to my house Sid Ghostface he wasn't violent even though he didn't even have a knife and he left a note saying to remember him, Sid." 

"Juney a killer is in love with you"

"what if I'm in love with him?"

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