Junkies on the Couch

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Juniper's dad was sitting on the couch holding a beer and blunt Juniper's mom was next to him holding her own blunt and beer.

"room now quietly" Juniper whispered and Benji crept up the stairs. Juniper waited before going up she crept and the stairs made a loud crack noise.

"get your ass over here shitstain" Juniper's dad was angry Juniper walked over and felt her pocket out of habit.

she felt a knife


Juniper realized Stu knew something might happen

"you left and didn't tell us you sprayed your perfume you ran away you let Benji get attacked we have a home visit from the cops scheduled for tomorrow you are in so much trouble you dumb fuck." Junipers dad slapped her to the ground.

Junipers dad kicked Juniper in the side Juniper heard a snap.

It came from her ribcage she had a broken rib Junipers dad pulled her up "you are a worthless piece of shit!" he yelled and threw her down.

Juniper stood she had done this before gotten beat she knew what to do.

But what if that changed?

Juniper apologized and her mom chuckled and walked off Junipers dad sat down and Juniper walked upstairs and went into Benji's room.

"Pack a bag with three changes of clothes as much as you can fit we're leaving again buddy" Juniper said and Benji looked at her and immediately started packing.

Juniper walked out and called Stu.

"Stu Im coming over its my dad he's being difficult"

"come over as soon as you need ill set up the guest room for Benji."

"I love you Stuart"

"I love you Juniper"

Juniper packed her bags and snuck to Benji's door she paused and heard yelling from inside and Benji crying.

She threw her bag to the side and opened the door her dad was stood over her brother with a belt, Benji was bloody and unconscious.

"Its one thing to hit your teenager but come on he's only 12 dad!" Juniper yelled.

Juniper went up to her dad and pushed him back her dad tried to hit Juniper but she snatched it from him and pocketed it.

"Not today ok not today ok we are out and calling CPS you dickface"

Juniper picked up Benji and his bag she walked up to her dad and smacked him.

"for me"

another slap

"For Mom"

Juniper kicked him in his area

"for Benji"

her dad was nelt over and she grabbed her bag and called Stu.

"Stu can you pick me up from my house my car-"

Stus car was already in the driveway but no one was in the car she opened the back seat and saw Billy with a mask and a knife laying on the ground.

"hey Billy wheres Stu?" Juniper laid Benji in the backseat and Billy shushed her and slapped his head.

"I know what your doing that's why I left early, he's inside right?" Billy nodded and Juniper closed the door and hopped in the front seat.

she ducked and hid under the dash and waited for Stu around 15 minutes later they were on the road and Juniper sat in her seat.

"Stu we need to go to the hospital my brother he's injured" Juniper said sliding into the seat "I have a plan just drop me off" Stu nodded.

Why wont they speak to me?

Juniper was dropped off at the hospital and she grabbed her brother and ran in her brother was taken from her and she was evaluated and questioned.

Dewey sat in front of her in a chair.

"what exactly happened Juniper"

"well we got home from the school and my parents were smoking so we went right up to our rooms then I fell asleep then I heard a scream from my brothers room. I snuck in I saw a man over my brother and Benji was unconscious I jumped the guy grabbed Benji called my friend they dropped us off and drove home"

"who was this friend?"

"Stu Macher"

"that's enough for today I'll leave you to wait for your brother"

Dewey walked out and Juniper was alone again. she sat and waited for an update from the doctor.

Soon the door opened and the Doctor spoke "he will live but we have to discuss where he is going-" Juniper interrupted him "with me I'm 18 may I have the paper work" the Doctor walked out and came back with papers.

Juniper looked them over and noticed she needed a second parent signature "is this necessary?" 

she pointed to the line 

"yes it is we have a phone on the wall if you need to call someone, and go home before curfew please miss"

the doctor walked out and Juniper walked to the phone she dialed Stus homophone.


It was Billy 

"Why did you answer and where is Stu?"

"He's being questioned at the police office. what do you need?"

"I need him to sign this paper"

"I'll get him to the hospital in five"

"thank you Billy"

"don't tell Stu about this ok?"

Billy hung up and Juniper went to sit down and fill out the paperwork it was barely 3 minutes when the hospital door opened and Stu walked in.

Juniper jumped up and hugged Stu "Please I need you to sign this" Stu scribbled on the paper and filled it in. 

"What did I sign" Stu handed the paperwork to the front desk lady "Well my parents died and you just adopted my brother with me" 

Stu looked dumbfounded and walked out of the hospital and drove off without a word.

Juniper crumbled to the floor and sobbed.

I'm so dumb I should've said more I should've been nicer I should've asked these thoughts filled Juniper's head as she sobbed.

she stood and walked to the front desk "Can you call my mobile with updates for my brother" She wrote her number and gave it to the lady.

Juniper grabbed her jacket and walked out she put her hood up she had nowhere to go.

her feet carried her she couldn't go to Stu's or Billy's she didn't want to think about going to her own house.

Her feet carried her as tears fell down her face she arrived at a doorstep she knocked. 

The door opened "Juniper?" Sidney said pulling her in "My parents are dead Sidney my brother is in the hospital and-"

Juniper felt a sharp pain in her side she felt something being ripped from her side and she blacked out.

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