Pt.7 Breaking the Bed

Start from the beginning

Just then, his phone buzzed with a text message from Kareem. "Hey, habibi, how's your day going?" the message read.

Brandon's heart raced as he typed out his response. "It's alright, Coach. Just missing you a lot," he admitted, his fingers trembling slightly with anticipation.

Kareem's reply came quickly. "I miss you too, little jackrabbit. Wish I could be there with you."

Feeling a surge of longing, Brandon couldn't resist the urge to confess. "I'm using the dildo you sent me... it's not the same though," he confessed, feeling a flush of embarrassment wash over him.

Kareem's response was understanding and reassuring. "I know, habibi. It's just a temporary fix. But I promise, we'll be together again soon."

With renewed determination, Brandon continued to pleasure himself with the dildo, finding solace in the connection he shared with Kareem, even from a distance.


Brandon: "Hey Coach, I've been thinking. I really wish we didn't have to keep our relationship a secret."

Kareem: "I understand, Brandon. It's not easy for either of us. But we have to be cautious for now."

Brandon: "Yeah, I know. But I was thinking... what if I talk to Jasmine about it? I won't give her all the details, just enough so she knows the truth. What do you think?"

Kareem: "Hmm, it's risky, but if you trust her, it could help to have someone close who knows. Just be careful and make sure she understands the importance of keeping it quiet."

Brandon: "Got it. Thanks, Coach. I'll let you know how it goes."

With Kareem's cautious approval, Brandon felt emboldened to confide in his sister, hoping that sharing the truth with her would bring them closer together and ease some of the burden of secrecy from his shoulders.


Pt.7 Act 2
Brandon made his way to his sisters room, and knocked on the door.

Brandon: "Hey, Jasmine, can I come in?"

Jasmine: "Sure, come on in. What's on your mind?"

Brandon: *nervously* "I've been wanting to talk to you about something..."

Jasmine: *noticing his nerves* "You seem a bit anxious. What's going on?"

Brandon: *takes a deep breath* "I wanted to ask what you think about me dating someone."

Jasmine: *curious* "Dating? That would explain why you've seemed so preoccupied lately. Wait, do you have a girlfriend?"

Brandon: *hesitant* "Sort of... Well, there's this guy I like. But I've been keeping it to myself because I know Dad would freak out."

Jasmine: *surprised and excited* "Wow, really? That's great, Brandon! What's his name?"

Brandon: *guarded* "I'm not ready to share that much yet. Sorry, Jasmine."

Jasmine: *respecting his boundaries* "No problem, Brandon. I won't push. Just know that I'm here for you."

Brandon: *opens up* "But he's older, and we both really like each other."

Jasmine: *supportive* "Well, if this guy truly cares about you and you feel the same way, then I'm all for it. I've got your back, little bro."

Brandon: *relieved* "Thanks, Jasmine. That means a lot. I appreciate you being so understanding."

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