Pt.1 Welecome To Crestwood

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Lucas: *glancing at Brandon in the rearview mirror* "Well, Brandon, here we are. A fresh start in Crestwood."

Brandon: *sighing* "Yeah, Dad... It's just hard leaving everything behind."

Lucas: *trying to be reassuring* "I know, son. But sometimes change is necessary. We'll make the best of it."

Brandon: *nodding reluctantly* "I guess so..."

Lucas: *catching sight of Jasmine's expression* "Jasmine, sweetheart, you need to take those headphones off. We're almost at our new home."

Jasmine: *rolling her eyes and removing the headphones* "Whatever, Dad. I still can't believe you're making us move."

Brandon: *trying to lighten the mood* "Well, at least I'll get to start my sophomore year at a new school. Fresh start, right?"

Lucas: *forcing a smile* "That's the spirit, Brandon. We'll make Crestwood our new home, together."


Pt.1 Act 2
As Brandon explored his new neighborhood on Saturday, he spotted a group of teens playing basketball at a nearby court. Intrigued, he approached them, watching the game for a moment before one of them noticed him.

"Hey, new kid!" called out Phil, motioning for Brandon to come closer. "Wanna join us?"

Brandon nodded eagerly, a smile spreading across his face. "Sure thing!"

Introductions were quickly made as Phil, Cameron, and Kyle welcomed Brandon to the game. As they played, Brandon showcased his skills on the court, impressing his new friends with his talent.

"Man, you've got some serious game," remarked Cameron, passing the ball to Brandon. "You should totally try out for the Crestwood Highs team."

Brandon's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Really? That would be amazing!"

Phil nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely, dude. We'll definitely vouch for you."

Excited by the prospect of joining the team and making new friends, Brandon couldn't help but feel grateful for stumbling upon this opportunity so quickly in his new neighborhood.


As Brandon rushed home, he checked the time on his phone and realized it was later than he had anticipated. "Oh shit, it's late!" he exclaimed, glancing nervously at the darkening sky.

Hurrying through the front door, Brandon was met with the stern gaze of his father, who was waiting for him with crossed arms and a furrowed brow. "Brandon, do you have any idea what time it is?" Lucas's voice was tinged with frustration and disappointment.

Brandon's heart sank as he realized the trouble he was in. "I'm sorry, Dad. I lost track of time," he admitted sheepishly.

Lucas shook his head, his tone stern. "You were supposed to be home hours ago. You know the rules."

Feeling a pang of guilt, Brandon tried to reason with his father. "But Dad, it's just the weekend. I'll be more careful next time."

Lucas's expression hardened. "No excuses, Brandon. You're grounded for tomorrow."

Defeated, Brandon nodded reluctantly, knowing that arguing further would only make things worse. He silently accepted his punishment, realizing that his father had already made up his mind.


As Monday morning dawned, Brandon was up early, feeling a surge of excitement for his first day at the new school. He hurried downstairs to join his family for breakfast, the smell of pancakes and sausages wafting through the air. Jasmine was already seated at the table, her face buried in her phone, while Lucas sipped on his black coffee.

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