Caught In The Act

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~ Test Tube's POV ~

I slowly woke up from my bed, getting up to check the clock. It's 7 in the morning and man, what a night we had!

Fan would later wake up as well. And what would I do? I'd carry him up like a plush toy and greet him!

"Good morning, little one!"

"I'm not a little one..." He grumbled.

"Aww, does little Fan hate being carried?" I teased.

"Test Tube, enough!"

"Okay, fine... Just stop being a grumpy hothead like Paintbrush."

I'd put him down as the two of us eat breakfast.

"Want pancakes?"

"Mhm!" He nod.

~ time skip ~

"So, did you like your breakfast today?" I asked, letting out a smile.

"I like your pancakes!"

"Aww, thank you!" I blushed at the compliment.

"Test Tube, can we go outside? It's so cold inside the lab..." He whined.

"Sure! I mean, we're lacking vitamin D inside this lab, y'know? Anyway, let's go!"

The two of us proceed to go outside the lab, walk around the open field.

"Does your guard still hurt?" I started.

"It still does..." He replied.

"Hey, Fan... Look, sorry for my sharp teeth, okay? I'll... I'll pay for your medical bills!"

"No, no! It's tolerable! I'm fine with a bite mark on my guard!"

"You sure?" I ask, feeling concerned about the wound.

"Ow!" He yelped. "Okay, I really need to go to the doctor..."

~ Lightbulb's POV ~

Painty and I were having a morning walk in the open field, trying to find Test Tube and Fan. And apparently, we saw the two nearby, also having walks as the both of us rush towards them.

"So, were you two on a date?" I teasingly asked.

"Lightbulb, stop being a meanie!" Fan demanded. "And uhm... No, we weren't on a date! Y'know... Just usual besties... Doing... Some stuff..." He stuttered.

"Hmm... I don't think that's true at all!" Said Paintbrush. "And what about you, Ms. Experiment 21? What would you say?"

Test Tube's blush grows on her face. She starts stuttering as well, feeling afraid to admit what was going on.

"Well uhm... We kinda got a bit too tense with each other and then I miiight have accidentally hurt Fa-"

"Why does Fan's guard have bite marks?" I asked, cutting Test Tube mid-speech.

"Oh! Uhm... That's... That's exactly what I was trying to-..."

"We're you two doing the... Thing together!?" Paintbrush's eyes widen.

"Yep..." Fan admitted, holding his wounded part.

"Oh dear... This ain't gonna end well..." Test Tube sheepishly said to herself.

"Ah, I see now... Are you two... In a relationship now?"

Both Test Tube and Fan sighed and finally admitted "Yes."

"I KNEW IT!" I yelled.

"Now please, Lightbulb..." Test Tube started. "Please make this as a secret between the four of us, okay? I don't want everyone in the hotel to know about our-"

Paintbrush and I began to run towards the hotel, while Test Tube and Fan are chasing us to stop us but... To late! We already informed everyone about the story of their romantic beginnings!

"I knew Lightbulb cannot be trusted..." Test Tube murmured, as her liquids began to boil like a kettle.

"I understand, Testy..." Fan responded, rubbing her back, trying to soothe her anger.

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