How It All Began...

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~ June 20th ~

~ Fan's POV ~

I was lying down on bed, writing some blogs on how much I'm having a really good time lately. Paintbrush approaches me and says "Hey Fan, Lightbulb and I are gonna go shopping. So, text me if there are things going on, okay?"

"Okay!" I exclaim.

As they left with Lightbulb, I continue my little blog and finally post it. But a few minutes go by, I start to feel bored doing nothing. I stared at the ceiling for a while until an idea sparked from my brain.

Hang out with Test Tube!

I immediately turn on my phone, and then text her!

[ - My BFF Test Tube - ]

Jun. 20

(Hey Test Tube!)>

<(Fan! It's been a while since we haven't texted each other for a while! Sorry, I've been busy in my lab for so long and uhm... How are you?)

(I'm great, thank you! Also, I was thinking of something!)>


(Let's have a sleepover night together!)>

<(OMG!!! Great idea! Tbh, I've been bored around the lab...)

(Same here at the hotel...)>

I began to pack my bag, then leave the hotel with my bike. I finally make it to the vending machine, where her lab is. And then enter the lab.

"Fan! You made it!" She exclaimed.

"Yep! I like it when I always come by early!"

Test Tube lets out a chuckle, feeling flattered by my personality on being early. She then gestures to the interior of the lab and asks "Look at the lab! Isn't it so clean?"

I looked around her lab and I was extremely amazed to see it so clean. "Woah... It's so spotless! Unlike... Those dark times... Where you would torture innocent contestants as if they're victims of the Ho-"

"Oh, quit being an overdramatic baby!" Test Tube paused my sentence as she nudges my shoulder.


"So, wanna see my bedroom?" She gestures to the door.

"Wait, you have a bedroom in this lab? Okay, then! Let me see it!"

Test Tube grabbed my wrist and then she opens the door to reveal her beautiful room.

"Ta-da! Isn't it beautiful!?" She smiled widely.

I seemed to like the interior of the bedroom but I was confused on why would she build one in a laboratory?

"It's nice but... Why, though?"

"Eh, just in case if I'm working overtime so instead of having a long walk to Hotel OJ, I'll just sleep here instead! It's a cool idea, isn't it?"

"You're a genius." I replied. "Oh, and is that why you're not always home at the hotel?"

"Yep, that's why."

We both sat down on the bed.

"So, wanna see more of my relics?" She asked nicely.

I didn't say any word but a nod.

Test Tube pulls out a black box in her closet, giving it a blow because of how dusty it is. "I haven't opened this box ever since... So I thought maybe I could finally show it off to one of my friends like you!" She finally opens the box, walking towards me and then put it in her bed.

I proceed to look what's inside the box and stare in awe on how much certificates, Nobel Prizes, and medals she has. "Wow! You achieved... All of this!?"

The scientist lets out a small giggle. "Yep! I sure did win all of that!"

Test Tube would eventually explain how she achieved all the prizes inside her box. I suddenly spot a picture book inside the box. "What's this?" I ask, filled with curiosity, wanting to know what's inside her picture book.

Her eyes began to wide in horror as she tries to take it from me. "No! Stop! Don't even think of opening that book!"

I playfully stick out my tongue as I open the book, stifling a loud laughter, seeing many nerdy pictures of her in high school. "Is thi-... IS THIS YOU!?"

"Okay, fine! That was me... Yes, I was really ugly back then..."

My emotions cannot take it anymore, letting out a laughter loud enough to annoy her.

"Shut up!"

I then stop laughing. "Fine, fine. Sorry, Test Tube."

"It's okay... Just don't even post these embarrassing pictures online or I will make you regret it!"

"Okay, I promise!"


I proceed to put the scrapbook back inside the box where it once belong. Test Tube does the same to her prizes. She closes the box, and then chucks it back to the closet.

"So... wanna play a game?"

Sleepover Night (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now