"Wooyoung." San says adamantly, pulling the male out of his own head, eyes casting upwards to lock onto San's. "Let's go to the bathroom, yeah?"

"Please," is all Wooyoung can mutter out, rising from his chair as subtly as he could manage, trying not to bring attention to himself. San tangles their grasp as he moves closer, scanning around the unfamiliar dining hall, moving beyond the sight of tables and decorative plants until his gaze stumbles across a smaller corridor labeled with a restrooms sign. Carefully, San pulls Wooyoung with him, pushing open the door to the well-lit, freshly cleaned restrooms, turning to face Wooyoung once that had settled inside. Before talking, San looks at each of the bathroom stalls, checking for anyone present, but finds the entire room completely vacant. His hands find Wooyoung's jaw, raising his gaze gently.

"Do you want to talk about it?" San asks, thumbs wiping away the remnants of falling tears.

"At home. Not here." Wooyoung admits, taking a breath. "I think it's time I told you what happened."

San raises a brow, but he nods regardless. "Okay, love. On your terms though, yeah? Don't force yourself to talk about it if you don't want to."

"You deserve to know." Wooyoung says as he moves closer, wrapping his arms around San's neck, burying his face into his shoulder. San is quick to adjust and to hug him back, hands soothing lines down the younger's spine.

"Can you tell me one thing?" San asks, feeling Wooyoung hum in acknowledgement. "Did you know him? The waiter?"

How San always knew was beyond Wooyoung's knowledge. Maybe it had been more obvious than he perceived, but having been in some sort of sexual relationship with Yeonjun wasn't something that he wanted to talk about with his boyfriend of all people. But, he did deserve to know.

The trauma, the heartbreak, the loss, the hospital– he needed to know all of it.

"It's complicated." Wooyoung murmurs against San's shoulder, holding him tighter. "I don't want you to be upset with me."

"Now, why would I ever be upset with you?" San asks with an almost audible laugh. "You haven't done anything wrong, love. We're fine."

"I've cried everyday since we've been together." Wooyoung says with a soft, pitiful scoff. "How are you not tired of me?"

"Because I love you." San says warmly. "I love you on your bad days, on your good days, and everything in between. You do not have to worry about crying like this in front of me. I'm here to support you, not tear you down even further."

"You're too good for me, Sannie." Wooyoung leans away from the embrace, hands finding the sides of San's face, shaking his head slightly. "I don't know how Sun-hee ever had the chance to have you like this."

"I'm not too good for you," San smiles. "We're perfect for each other. Okay? Don't let yourself believe that you deserve anything less than what you have."

"I love you." Wooyoung says, gaze finally returning to some semblance of normal. "I'll tell you everything when we get home."

"I love you most." San says, accenting his statement with a kiss on Wooyoung's forehead. "Let's get out there before anyone questions where we ventured off to."

"Yeah," Wooyoung sighs, grabbing a hold of San's hand. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, love. C'mon." San says with a smile, pulling the male out of the restrooms and back towards their table, finding two glasses of water waiting for them, meaning Yeonjun must've circled back around to the table while they were absent. Wooyoung takes a steadying breath, nearly about to plant himself back into his seat before San tugs on his hand slightly, turning Wooyoung's attention back towards him. San leans closer, pressing a delicate kiss on his lips, leaning away a moment later. Wooyoung smiles at him, letting go of his hand to settle back into his seat without a fuss.

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