♡Chapter 7♡

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Tae's POV :
I was talking to Jungkook after he pulled me aside teasing him about the proposal thingy when he said that I can date him. And then bought a pair of couple braclet and proposed me for a date. HOLY CRAP AM I DREAMING SHIT SOMEONE PINCH ME NO NO THAT WON'T WORK SOMEONE PUNCH ME MYY CRUSH MY FIRST EVER CRUSH IS ASKING ME FOR A DATE. MY HOLY MOTHER OF HER CHILDREN GOD DAMMIT.

I was screaming internally but was brought out of my lala land by this bunny who proposed me.

"What do you think Tae will you date me!?"

Shit he asked me again. But I need to play cool otherwise he will think I am some deperate bitch.

"But why do you think I will date you. huh!?"

"I didn't I just did what my heart said I can't loose without even trying right. It's my first time I am feeling attracted and attached towards someone Tae. This crush orr what so ever I am developing on you is not going to fade soon so thought to try out my luck."

"I need time I'll I'll tell you when I am ready." I said and saw his eyes going wide like golf balls.


"That means I have to wait for an year or more for an answer!!" He said teasingly acting panic.

"Stop that shit if you want your answer Jungkook." I said and went away from there well aware I am going to say Yes. Only I know hard it was to control my self from screaming infront of him. I was about to enter the car when he said that he wil wait for me at the rooftop today at 11:30 p.m for my answer. Shittttttttttttt.

After 20 minutes

We all reached home after 20 minutes.All were so tired from shopping. I gave the key to the guard to park the car and went inside to see YOONGI VEERJI.

I immediately ran towards him and jumped on him.


"Aww I missed my TaeTae too. How are you bear!?"

"I am great veerji you tell. How was the collab."

"The collab was awesome Tae."

"Oh ho Veerji's sister ji let him go and freshn up he just reached now only." Malkeet said shaking his head while chuckling at his kids antics.

"Oh ok Veerji you go freshn up then I will introduce you to everyone okay."

"Okay baba ji"

After some time Yoongi came downstairs for dinner and Tae introduced everyone to Yoongi

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After some time Yoongi came downstairs for dinner and Tae introduced everyone to Yoongi. And yeah she also noticed her brother's gaze lingering a bit more than usual on Jimin. Hmmmmmmm.

TIME : 11:15p.m

Here Tae was getting excited as well as nervous for meeting Kook.

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