I knew he was right... Too many people know now. He might get even more upset if he finds out everyone knows but him. But I can't help but worry that it will only hurt him further, not give him any closure.

We were wandering halls looking for him, "Tyreese, you down here?"

"Rick, that you?" We heard his voice in the distance, Daryl using his flashlight to light up the dark path.

As we rounded the corner, Tyreese appeared, "You guys got to see this."

"Can we take a beat? There's something we need to talk about."

"It can wait. Come on." I followed behind Tyreese, trusting that whatever he needs is urgent. He's not the type to just walk away like that. Not usually.

The other two stood there for a second, I turned my head, "Let's go."

We rounded another corner, Tyreese shined his flashlight, "Look."

We looked at where his flashlight was pointed, it was some weird looking papers with... a dead rat with it? I couldn't tell, but whatever it was is related to whoever is feeding the walkers rats.

"I was just looking for... answers...and I found this." Tyreese looked at Rick, "Same person that killed Karen and David did this. Remember the rats at the fence? They showed up the same day she was killed. We got a psychopath living with us."

I set my hand on Tyreese's shoulder, "I don't think it's the same person, Ty." I looked at the rat, my mind briefly thinking of Lizzie. It wasn't Carol... and Stevie... she told me something about how Lizzie thinks it's wrong to kill the walkers. Lizzie harassed Stevie over and over about training with me, wanting to learn how to defend herself from them. Though I'm not even sure how Lizzie could manage to find rats.

"We got to find him." Tyreese didn't want to hear it, "And I'm not gonna sleep until we do."

"Tyreese..." Rick looked back down to the rat thing, "Whoever did this, I don't think that's who killed Karen."


No one got to say anything else, and explosion shook the building and made us all jump. Daryl gripped my arm immediately, "C'mon."


The four ran out the doors, everyone having the same idea and running to the front of the prison. They joined the others in hiding behind a wall facing near the front of the prison. There were cars lined up all outside the prison. One of them was not just a car... but a tank.

Dallas thought humans left this mass destruction shit in the pre walker world.

"What the fuck." She muttered muttered, kneeling in front of the others.

"Rick!" They heard a voice from the vehicles yell. That sounded like the governor. But he killed his people, how could he have gathered even more? "Come down here! We need to talk."

"It's not up to me!" Rick shouted, "There's a council now. They run this place."

"Is Hershel on the council?"

Dallas looked around realizing Hershel and Michonne were gone. Some lady brought Hershel out from a car and Maggie and Beth began to cry watching their father kneel to the ground.

"What about Michonne?" Another guy brought out her, "She on the council, too?"

"I don't make decisions anymore!"

"You're making the decisions today, Rick." There was silence, "Come down here. Let's have that talk."

They stared back at them, Dallas couldn't believe how many people were with him. Are they all deluded? Ready to attack people they don't even know? They have children. A fucking baby.

Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now