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Season 2

Up in Smoke

It was the next day after Dales death. There was a funeral for him. Aside from that we had all spent the day preparing for the winter. Boarding up windows, stocking the basement, and getting supplies together.

I gave an apology to the others, individually, for the way I was acting.

Most of the day I've spent with Daryl, not really my decision though. I really am fine. Dying is just something we'll have to accept now. He still insisted on keeping me around though.

After I apologized he did the same. He opened up to me completely about how he was feeling. I did the same.

He insisted on keeping me around until we found out Randal and Shane were missing. We all went to where he was being kept, and eventually Shane came out of the woods screaming about how he took his gun and got away. Daryl did not want me anywhere near the chaos that is Shane's emotions.

Rick ordered Glenn and Daryl to go with him and Shane to find him. I was told to keep an eye on the house in case Randall showed up.

It was dark now and the others were still gone. The rest of us were locked in the house.

This all brought a feeling of uncertainty to me. I had checked to make sure every pocket and holster had a weapon several times. I feel like I may end up needing them. My bow was in my hands, quiver on my back and I paced around the house, occasionally checking all the exits.

As Andrea suggested I go look for them, Daryl and Glenn walked into the house.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?"


"We heard a shot." Daryl said, standing by me.

"Maybe they found Randall."

"We found him." I looked at Daryl with concern, "He's a walker."

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel stood there with his hands in his pocket.

"No. The weird thing is he wasn't bit." Glenn sounded nervous.

"His neck was broke." Daryl added.

"So he fought back."

Daryl glanced at me before talking, "The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other... And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together."

"Would you please get back out there and find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on." Lori asked Daryl but I stopped him.

"I'm going to go." I didn't leave room for argument and left Daryl behind. The last time he went out searching for someone alone he nearly died. Not this time.

As I walked out the front door I stopped in my tracks, "Daryl!"

He was by my side in seconds and saw what I was seeing.

Walkers were everywhere by the barn. Maybe hundreds, it was hard to tell. There is no way we'd survive bunkering down with a herd of this size. We had to move and move fast.

"We need to leave, now." I turned to the group who now was on the porch with me, "Get as much of your things as you can. Do not waste any time."

"Patricia kill the lights."

"I'll get the guns." Andrea went inside.

"No you don't understand." I reached by the door where I kept my bag and grabbed it, "We need to leave now... Or like 20 minutes ago."

Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now