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                       Season 3

       You Cant Get Rid of Me

I've been keeping track of the days that go by. It's been 7 months. Long and lonely 7 months. But being alone all this time has made me stronger than before. I have never in my life felt so alive. So free.

Sure I've been on the move a lot. Never settling for longer than what feels right, but I'm free.

I read every book I come across, I draw in the notebooks i've collected. I kill every walker with a machete I found laying around. My bow and arrows are nice and loaded on my back still. I haven't had to use them once since I picked this machete up months ago. I feel like Pamela Voorhees. It's fun.

I hardly come across any people. If I do I just hide up in a tree somewhere until they're gone. I'm silent and stealthy like I had been those first weeks of the outbreak. Except I had to kill two men that tried to do things to me however. That was a few days ago. I didn't want to, I tried to help them and they took advantage of that.

I do miss the others, but I know they made it out alive. I saw them. I can live happy knowing that.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't do anything to see them again. Especially Daryl and Glenn. But Rick is keeping them safe, I know it.

Right now I'm in an old home I found. I snuck past the walkers that were downstairs and hid upstairs. It was a challenge to not be seen or heard by them, but they offered a layer of protection. They'd keep other walkers away and possibly deter people.

I've been here two days, holed up in an old pink bedroom. There was a twin bed in the corner that I was able to rest on. I was about ready to move on however, the longer I stay means the longer I may have to see people.

For a few months now I've kept my hair down. My now dirty, blonde hair was free down my back. I cant believe I didn't do it sooner. All those other people i'd judge for having their hair down were onto something. When everything went down at the farm, it got cold out. I used my hair as a scarf.

It's been a week or so since I've come across a body of water to rinse myself off. My body is fully covered from my clothes but the places that aren't are littered with dirt and blood.

Right now I was sitting on this old bed quietly sharpening the machete, my things still on me. I slept that way. I'm too scared of having to run or get away from here quickly and leaving my things behind.

I lifted my head at the sound of a door being kicked in, and glass shattering.


I looked at the window, then to the door. But I was too late, these people were already going down the hallway to the room I was in.

Damn they're fast. Usually I come across oblivious people who aren't very efficient.

I hid where the door would open so I'd be hidden and kept the machete in my left hand and a gun in my right.

Their foorsteps got closer and closer and as soon as the door was kicked in, I swiped the dudes legs, making him fall to the ground with a loud thud and drop his weapon, before I straddled him and put my machete to his throat with my right hand point the gun at the open doorway.

"Oh my god." I removed the machete from his throat, "T-dog?"


Just then someone else walked in the room and I turned my head to see a familiar crossbow in my face, "Not cool, Daryl." The crossbow lowered and I heard a light gasp.

Arrow to the Heart(Daryl Dixon X OC)(REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now