What lovely cabin

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What lovely cabin. 

''Wow... a cabin...'' Noelle was the first to comment when she saw the interior of the cabin. It was not military-themed at all. It looked more like a relaxing cabin for civilians. Regardless, it seemed more comfortable than on an aircraft carrier.

''Okay, so are there any questions before we part ways?'' Yorktown asked.

''No.'' Mason was the first to answer. He was tired of this.

''Alright, get a good night's rest.'' Yorktown bid farewell to the four of them then turned to leave them in front of the cabin. Before reaching the fourth step, she stopped and then turned to them. ''Tomorrow is your first mission. Don't forget that. She said before finally resuming his steps and leaving. There was silence for a moment. ''What a troublesome woman.'' Morgan chimed when Yorkie was out of their sight.

''If I had the chance, I would definitely crack that bitch's fucking head!''

''After she almost broke your head earlier, you can still think like that?''

''OF COURSE! Are you doubting my power?!''

Mason chose to enter the cabin first with Morgan and Noelle rather than answer her question. After a moment of grumbling, she followed into the cabin and closed the door. The aura inside the cabin was not as tense as before. The cabin was so neat and clean in every room including the bathroom. Mason opened the refrigerator and found no food. Just as he expected. Morgan sat on the sofa while stretching his body. "Ah... finally...

Evelyn lay down on the mattress-covered floor and stretched her body that had been stiff since they got off the cockpit. It had been a long day. From the lost plane incident, the much-needed air support, the interrogation, the deal, and so on. Making their first day in this strange universe more difficult than expected. On top of that, this place is full of girls, and guys are very rare or almost impossible to find. Except for Morgan and Mason.


Night began to cover the sky as the sun left its throne in the sky. Mason was seen sitting alone at the bar with a glass of beer. It was familiar to the members that their leader was a loner at times.The bar looks and sounds quite lively. Even at this late hour. Reminds him of his memories back in the day.  Not too long, a shipgirl with black short hair, with a scar on her eyes come with a same glass as him.

  Not too long, a shipgirl with black short hair, with a scar on her eyes come with a same glass as him

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''Alone, darling?''

Mason just turned his head on her, before get it back. ''Yeah.''

The girls then sitting right beside him and putting her glass on the table. She actually has a soft skin, and beautiful green eyes. Her tights is also quite good. But Mason is a Mason. He just kept silent as always and didn't bothered at all by the girl got. ''If you don't have any bussiness, please go.'' Mason said in flat and cold. Always has been like that. (Sorry if you got bored)

''I would never come to anyone if I had no business.'' She said while leaning slightly towards him. Making our quiet man a little distracted and confused. But still, he was able to compose himself. The girl then began to speak. ''So you're one of those often-talked-about bird riders, huh?''

''Yes. You bothered with that?''

''Oh~ of course not. I was amazed. There's no one have those birdies like that~ Hic.'' She said while a hiccup voice got troubled her voice. ''I'm Pennsylvania. Yours?''


''Tell you what, so as not to get bored...'' Pennsylvania said with a smirk on her face. Not long after, a shipgirl with fair skin came with two large glasses of beer and set them down. ''How about we have a drinking contest. You know the rules~''

The shipgirls who were still there immediately gathered and surrounded the table where Penny and Mason were. One by one they started cheering on Mason who silently accepted the challenge.

''Come on! Accept it, stranger!''

''It's really embarrassing if a man loses to a woman!''


Mason just sighed softly, then took off his cloth mask. ''Alright, I accept.''


Fifteen minutes later...

Mason put down the last glass of beer. It was his fifteenth glass and his expression was casual and didn't seem drunk at all. Meanwhile, Penny had already collapsed at the tenth glass. Even raising her hands was not right and some hiccups had already started. Mason won, and the shipgirls didn't expect that result, so they called the others to beat Mason.

''Enough for the drink. I'm going.'' Mason wiped his mouth and putting on his jacket, and then walked away from the bar while putting some bucks on the counter. And walked away from the bar through the cold night wind. Back to his fellow comrades' cabin to take a rest for tomorrow. Mason is alcohol intolerant so he is not easily affected by any amount of alcohol.

''I'm home.'' Mason  opened the door. Only to see the main room is already quiet. All of his comrades are already slept. Morgan and Noelle shared the bed on the first bed room. After observing his friend, he back to his room. Where he found Evelyn already occupied his bed. He inhales some breath, and then sighed. 


Evelyn shivered right before Mason left the room. Taking his attention back on her. He tried to look for any bed cover or thick clothe as blanket. He found it, but dirty. There's no choice then. He put off his jacket, and wrapped his jacket around Evelyn. Revealing his normal white shirt. 

For tonight, it seems that he slept on the living room couch

TRAILBLAZERS : Aces from another world ( Azur Lane fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu