chapter 15; euphoria (end)

Start from the beginning

Sunghoon scooted closer to Sunoo. "Are you feeling that way now?"

Sunoo shook his head no. Sunghoon smiled softly, relieved that he no longer feel the way he does when he eats.

"I'm also very sorry about your dad."

"I dont quite care anymore."

Sunghoon's eyes widened. "Why?"

"He was ruining my life. I only cried because I was still dumb, why should I love him if he only gave me fear and pain? He doesn't deserve my love."

Sunghoon smiled, finally Sunoo is free from fear and pain.

Sunoo sighed. "But I do worry about my mother."

Sunghoon nodded softly.

[BACKGROUND MUSIC: we fell in love in october - girl in red]

Days go by and they hang out together, they spend time together. Sunoo was healing and Sunghoon was smiling alot. They collected primroses, dry leaves, and even snow on a container that they left in the house to melt for fun.

Sunghoon and Sunoo played snowball fights together and built snowmans like they always do. Took pictures and hug in the snow.

At night, Sunoo and Sunghoon climbed up on a roof, it was Sunoo's own house roof. They gazed at the star together.

"Is this what euphoria feels like?" Sunoo asked.

"Yeah, true happiness. We're happy."

The next day, the snow has finally melted. It was all sunny now. There were still some snow at the forest so Sunghoon and Sunoo collected it for it to melt on the scorching sun.

The both of them then ran and chased each other at the quiet road, the one where Sunoo gave Sunghoon a dagger necklace. Their laughters echoed and their smile was never brighter than this.

After a tiring chase, Sunghoon and Sunoo sat at the cliff which still had some snow remaining.

"My life really changed when I met you, Sunoo-ya."

"I feel the same way. My life changed too, all thanks to you."

Sunghoon gave Sunoo a shoulder nudge and chuckled.

"What was that for?" Sunoo asked with a smile.

Sunghoon shook his head softly. "Nothing."

Sunoo and Sunghoon discovered a field filled with cornflowers. Sunoo, without hesitation, reached for Sunghoon's hand, and together, they joyfully ran through the field.

Their laughter echoed and they ran through the field while holding hands. When they stopped running, a couple of butterflies flew around them. The smell of fresh cornflowers along with the beautiful butterflies flying around them, Sunoo and Sunghoon felt free.

"Graduation is tomorrow, I have a surprise for you tomorrow." Sunghoon smiled.

Sunoo smiled back. "I can't wait."

Sunoo entered the crowded graduation venue alongside his mother, he couldn't help but search for Sunghoon's presence. However, Sunghoon was nowhere in sight.

A spark of sadness entered in Sunoo's heart. He thought Sunghoon would arrive earlier.

"Sunoo-ya, look." Sunoo's mother happily pointed a familiar figure.

Sunoo saw Sunghoon walking inside the graduation venue along with his mother like Sunoo did. Sunoo ran in happiness with his mother following.

"Sunghoon!" he called as he ran towards Sunghoon with a smile.

Sunghoon looked over and his smile immediately formed. Sunghoon spreads his arms widely, hoping for a hug.

Sunoo then immediately hugged Sunghoon with the biggest smile on his face.

"W-what's your surprise?"

Sunghoon smiled softly before grabbing the bouquet gently from his mother. He then offered it to Sunoo.

Sunoo was clearly happy that Sunghoon gave him a bouquet, but there was a note on the bouquet, it says, "I cant express how grateful I am, how grateful that I met you. I love you, Sunoo."

"Y-you love me? You really do?"

Sunghoon smiled before embracing Sunoo once again. "I love you, Sunoo-ya."

With sparkling eyes, Sunoo said, "I love you too."




HELLLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Thankyou so much for reading this story!

Especially for this special user
@/enhypen-loves-you for supporting me and the story until the very end🥹 Without your supportive words I would've never finished this story😭😭

But anyways I thank everyone so much for reading this book until the very end and I'm sorry if the chapters are sometimes boring/confusing/takes too long to be published.

But yeah, thankyou everyone! This is EUPHORIA; Sunsun (by milkuyuuz)

Bye bye!

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