chapter 03; what do i feel?

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Feeling the weight of the day, Sunghoon returned home to his worried mother. She stood up from her chair and immediately hugged him for comfort.

"I'm sorry, i'm a terrible mother aren't i?" Mrs. Park's words carried a regretful tone.

Wrapped in his mother's embrace, Sunghoon couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. Breaking down, he hugged her tightly and reassured her, "No... No, mom, no... You're the greatest mother in the world."

Mrs. Park, relieved and smiling through her own tears, felt the significance of the moment. Sunghoon, typically composed, had allowed himself to be vulnerable.

"I'm so glad... I'm so glad that you're not holding back your tears anymore, i'm so proud of you."

In the middle of a chemistry class, Sunghoon focused on his work while Sunoo, surrounded by a group of girls, diligently did his chemistry assignment. The usual classroom sounds filled the air until Jihoon and his group disrupted.

Jihoon, up to his usual mischief, started making derogatory comments about Sunoo, teasing him for being "feminine."

Unfazed, Sunoo continued working.

One of the girls scoffed. "Stop it Jihoon, you're not funny."

"No, no, it's fine." Sunoo smiled.

Despite Sunoo's reassurance that it was okay, the situation escalated when a boy decided to harass Sunoo by hitting his ears with marker erasers. Sunghoon rose from his seat and approached Sunoo's desk.

Swiftly grabbing the erasers from the boy before giving it to Sunoo. The bystanders, however, took an unexpected turn by teasing the duo, insinuating a romantic connection.

Jihoon laughed. "Hey, are they a couple?"

"They're totally a couple."

"Hey, Sunghoon, you like Sunoo don't you? Admit it!"

Frustrated, Sunghoon lunged toward Sunoo's table. A struggle ensued, with Sunghoon trying to retrieve the erasers while Sunoo attempted to calm him down. Despite Sunoo's efforts to push him away, Sunghoon's anger made it hard to do so.

"C-call the teacher! The teacher!" One girl commanded.

In the busy teacher's office, Sunghoon and Sunoo sat side by side while teachers focused on their tasks. Mr. Kim, sensing the tension, took it upon himself to address the issue.

Turning towards Sunghoon and Sunoo, Mr. Kim urged them to reconcile. "Make up, both of you," he directed. Sunoo extended his hand, offering a gesture of peace.

Sunghoon, hesitating for a moment, eventually shook Sunoo's hand as per Mr. Kim's instruction. With the attempt at reconciliation completed, Mr. Kim left them alone.

Now left in an awkward silence, Sunghoon stood up abruptly. The air felt tense as he exited the teacher's office, leaving Sunoo behind. The lingering discomfort hung in the air, a stark reminder of the complexities defining their relationship.

Sunoo sat, grappling with the aftermath of their strained interaction.

As Sunghoon walked in the hallway, everyone from his class looked at him, and everyone whispered about him. Sunghoon felt uneasy and brisk walked to the male's bathroom.

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