chapter 05; same issues

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In English class, Sunghoon attentively listened to the lecture while the teacher delved into the subject matter. However, as the lesson progressed, Sunghoon's gaze drifted towards Sunoo's empty desk. Sunoo is absent today.

Sighing, Sunghoon found himself momentarily disconnected from the lesson, his thoughts occupied by the concern he felt for Sunoo. Resting his head on his crossed arms, he felt frustrated that Sunoo is not here.

Walking through the school's hallway, Sunghoon was unexpectedly called by the school counselor. Inside the counseling office, the counselor, recognizing a potential concern, expressed her thoughts about Sunghoon's mental well-being and encouraged him to share his feelings.

At first, Sunghoon hesitated, but a weight on his shoulders pushed him to open up. "I think I like someone. But I don't feel normal because of it."

The counselor, with a supportive demeanor, asked why, but Sunghoon remained silent.

The counselor reassured him, expressing that it's perfectly normal to have feelings for someone. Trying to encourage him, she said, "It's okay to have a crush on anybody."

However, Sunghoon unexpectedly confessed, "I feel like I don't deserve happiness."

His words struck a chord, and a wave of empathy washed over the counselor as she sensed the underlying struggle within Sunghoon.

She tried to comfort Sunghoon with the most gentle voice she could let out. "You totally deserve happiness, Sunghoon. Everybody does."

"You don't get it..."

After talking with the counselor, Sunghoon tried calling Sunoo several times, only to be met with silence on the other end. A trembling sigh escaped him as concern deepened.

After school, Sunghoon decided to visit Sunoo's home instead of going to his own home first.

Sunghoon parked his bike before he walked to Sunoo's doorstep, knocking persistently. The door creaked open, revealing Sunoo's mother.
She gave Sunghoon a warm smile. "You must be Sunny's friend!"

"S-sunny? Who?" Sunghoon asked nervously.

"Ah! I mean Sunoo, Sunny is just a nickname for Sunoo. Anywho, you're Sunoo's friend right?"

Sunghoon, nodding respectfully, confirmed it with a soft smile.

Sunoo's mother kindly invited him inside, informing that her husband would be working until 10 PM so they will have a lot of time to talk with each other.

Sunghoon entered the home and Sunoo's mother's told Sunghoon to take a seat at the dining table. Grateful, he thanked her as she busied herself preparing tea.

In the midst of this, she shared a heartwarming detail. "You know... Sunoo cherished the bouquet you had given him, he even displayed it on his shelf."

Sunghoon's heart swelled with gratitude. "I'm glad he likes it."

However, concern lingered in the air, and Sunghoon couldn't help but ask about Sunoo's whereabouts. "Oh, uhm... Kim-ssi, where is Sunoo anyways?"

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