chapter 12; denial phase in loving

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"The world is cruel. But I still love you."


Sunghoon walked to school with a slight sadness, lost in his thoughts. Suddenly, Sunoo appeared with a big smile, causing Sunghoon to jump slightly in surprise. After realizing it was just Sunoo, he calmed down.

Sunoo asked, "How's your day going, Hoon?"

Sunghoon, still shaken, replied, "It just started, I don't know," earning a chuckle from Sunoo.

They continued walking in comfortable silence until, unexpectedly, Jihoon struck Sunoo's head from behind, accompanied by laughter from his friends.

Pissed off, Sunghoon couldn't hold back. "The day just started asshole! Leave us alone!" he yelled after Jihoon, frustration evident in his voice.

As Jihoon looked back, Sunghoon flipped him off. He was really angry at that.

In the art class, Sunghoon immersed himself in the task of painting. On the other hand, Sunoo, feeling a bit bored due to his lack of artistic skills, decided to scoot his chair closer to Sunghoon. Amazement filled Sunoo's eyes as he observed Sunghoon's art.

Unable to contain his admiration, Sunoo suddenly asked, "Hoon, can you paint me?"

Sunghoon, realizing he was running out of canvas space, considered the request. "I'd love to, but there's no place on the canvas. How about I draw you on paper instead?" he suggested.

Excitement lighting up his eyes, Sunoo eagerly agreed, "Of course! That sounds awesome."

With a small smile, Sunghoon set aside his paintbrush and started sketching Sunoo on paper. He observed Sunoo's physical features and draws them artistically.

"I'm done," Sunghoon said proudly.

"That was amazingly fast."

Sunoo then takes the paper Sunghoon gave. The drawing was amazing, Sunoo was so amazed. "No way! This is so realistic! You're so talented, Hoon!"

Sunghoon smiled, his cheeks becoming slightly red because he's flattered by the compliment Sunoo gave.

After school, Sunghoon and Sunoo sat down at a snowy cliff.
Sunoo talked about how this cliff used to have many dried spring leaves and now it's covered in snow, Sunghoon nodded and both of them gazed at the frozen river below.

Suddenly breaking the silence, Sunoo questioned, "Hoon, why do you feel like your feelings aren't normal?" The question hit a nerve, and Sunghoon, irritated, chose to remain silent.

Undeterred, Sunoo persisted, "Why, Hoon-a? Aren't you going to answer me?"

The frustration building within Sunghoon erupted, and he answered angrily, "Because of you! I don't feel normal because of you!"

Sunoo, shocked by the outburst, questioned why.

Sunghoon, unable to contain his turmoil, admitted, "I wish you were a girl."

Before Sunoo could react, Sunghoon ran away, he ran away with guilt and anger inside of him. The spark is gone, again.

Sunghoon arrived home to the concerned gaze of his mother, who noticed his early return. She expressed her worry, "Home early again... Did something happen AGAIN...?"

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