chapter 08; melancholic

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Background Music: Car's outside - James Arthur
(sped up)

20:00 PM.

"S-Sunoo... Your arm!"

The moment Sunoo's mother saw him, she screamed. Looking at his wrist with blood spilling out and red cuts that stinged him, getting rid of his numbness.

Sunoo stared blankly at the floor, he didn't want to face his mother. He knows damn well she's blaming herself.

Looking at a bloody shard on Sunoo's arm and Sunoo's bloodied shirt, she asked panickingly, "Did you... Did you stab yourself!? Sunoo-ya! Answer me!" Sunoo's mother shook Sunoo as he blankly stared at the floor.

Sunoo's mother, panic-stricken, sat in the bathroom holding her unconscious son. Desperation in her voice, she said, "Please stay alive..."

As the ambulance screeched to a stop, Sunoo was quickly moved out, his worried mother following closely. In the bright hospital hallway, paramedics and nurses efficiently transferred him onto an emergency bed stretcher.

The hospital staff navigated the bed through the corridor, Sunoo's mother trailing behind. He lay still, unconscious. The hospital bed smoothly rolled towards the Emergency Room, where the medical team awaited.

Sunoo's mother, visibly anxious, kept close as the paramedics and nurses seamlessly moved him into the ER.

"Ma'am, please stay here, do not enter the room." One of the hospital staffs instructed.

Sunoo's mother, though worried, nodded and followed the hospital staff's order. She just wants her son to be saved, that's all.

In the ER, the rhythmic beeping of machines intensified, and medical professionals worked swiftly, trying to save Sunoo.

In the waiting area, Sunoo's mother found a seat, her eyes fixed on the ER entrance. The minutes felt like an eternity, marked by the distant sounds of medical equipment.

As time passed, Sunoo's mother held onto hope, her patience reflecting a mother's enduring love. She prayed and she hoped, she hopes that her son will be alive, because her son is her purpose of life.

Sunoo's mother anxiously dialed Sunghoon's mother, her trembling fingers navigating the buttons on her phone. With a deep breath, she pressed the call button and waited, each ring amplifying her worry. Sunghoon's mother answered, her voice laced with curiosity.

"Hello? What happened? Your breathing is shaky," Sunghoon's mother said, her voice sounds concerned.

Tears formed in Sunoo's mother's eyes as talked. "I-it's Sunoo... Could you come tomorrow...?" she managed to say, her voice cracking with desperation.

"Why? What happened?"

Sunoo's mother shakingly answered, "H-he stabbed himself..."

A heavy silence hung in the air before Sunghoon's mother, shocked, responded, "Stabbed? How did that happen!?"

Sunoo's mother fought to control her emotions, but failed after she revealed the reason. "He... He tried killing himself..."

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