chapter 07; moments with you

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Sunoo walked through the front door, greeted by the tense atmosphere of his home. His father's stern gaze met his, and Sunoo's unbothered expression remained unchanged. His mother, however, wore a worried look as she observed the scene unfold.

"Where have you been?" his father questioned, his voice carrying a heavy tone.

"At a cliff with somebody nice," Sunoo calmly replied, maintaining his composure.

His father, angered by the response, slapped Sunoo across the face. "Shut up. Go to bed," he scolded, his temper evident in his words.

Sunoo, unfazed by the harsh treatment, silently complied, heading to his room without uttering another word.

His mother exchanged a glance with Sunoo as he walked away, concern etched across her face. The unsettling silence lingered in the air, leaving behind a feeling of unresolved tension within the household.

Inside Sunoo's room, Sunoo continued to unpack his bags when his mother entered, a solemn look on her face.

Then suddenly, she apologized, expressing regret for marrying someone so harsh.

Sunoo, ever understanding, smiled gently and assured her, "It's not your fault, Mom. It's Dad's fault. He should accept his kids no matter how they act."

His mother chuckled softly at Sunoo's wisdom.

"Okay well, ima take a bath now, everything itches."

"Alright, sweetheart, goodnight."

Sunoo smiled. "Night mom."

After the door closed and Sunoo left alone in his room, he lets out a shaky sigh as a tear fell from his eye.

Sunghoon and his mother sat at the dinner table, enjoying a quiet meal.

Suddenly, Sunghoon's mother asked, "Sunghoon-a, were you alone at the cliff?"

Sunghoon shook his head. "I was with Sunoo."

Sunghoon continued eating his meal until when his mother asked something that he never wants to bring up to his mother.

"Sunghoon, do you have a crush on anyone?"

Sunghoon hesitated, his chopstick pausing mid-air. Sunghoon stayed silent.

But his mother, gently pressing him with a more direct inquiry, "Do you?"

Feeling cornered, Sunghoon stammered, "N-no, I don't." Frustration welled up within him as his mother continued to ask. Finally, unable to contain his emotions, Sunghoon erupted. "Fine! I have a crush on somebody, and I don't feel normal because of it! I hate everything!"

In a burst of anger, he stormed to his room and slammed the door.

"Park Sunghoon! Wake up!"

Sunghoon opened his eyes slowly after hearing his mother's faint calls from the outside of his room. He woke up with an upset feeling because of last night. He felt guilty for slamming his door, but he also felt angry because his mother asked something he wishes not to bring up.

"You slept well? Are you still angry at me."

Sunghoon sat down as he shook his head no. His mother smiled while putting Sunghoon's breakfast down on the dining table.

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