Bonus: Yule Ball

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The moment that he heard about the Yule Ball, Draco knew who he wanted to ask. It was just figuring out how to ask her that was the problem. He had to come up with the perfect way to ask her. Y/n needed more than him merely just asking her to go with him.

He also knew he had to act fast because there were plenty of guys who were dying to ask her. Draco just had to make sure that they never got the chance. Besides, he knew Y/n would rather go with a friend who cared deeply about her than some loser that she barely knew. 

"Maybe I should ask father to send me a couple of peacocks," Draco muttered as he scribbled on his parchment. 

At the top of the parchment he had written 'Ideas for asking Y/n to the Yule Ball', and then as an afterthought, he added in '(as a friend)'. He had called all his friends for this imperative meeting because he needed all the ideas and advice he could get. Draco would not rest until he had come up with the perfect plan. 

"Draco," Pansy sighed. "Do not ask your father to send you his peacocks." 

"Why not?" 

"First of all, think of the logistics of it!" Pansy exclaimed indignantly. 

"Not to mention, Y/n would probably laugh in your face or roll her eyes... or both," Theo butted in. 

He thought about it for a moment before crossing out peacocks from the list. 

"Why don't you just ask her to the ball, you know, like a normal human being?" Blaise asked. 

Theo laughed, "You're forgetting that Draco has never been normal." 

"True," Blaise agreed through his own chuckles. 

He chucked his quill in Blaise's general direction. 

"I can't be normal about this," he insisted. "It needs to be extraordinary! Y/n deserves nothing but the best."

"Well, you better hurry. A little birdy told me that Zacharias Smith wants to ask her to the ball too," Pansy sang.  

"WHAT?" Several students turned to stare and Draco realised that maybe their top secret spot in the corner of the common room wasn't so secret after all. But that didn't matter because he needed more information. "Who told you this?" 

His friends ignored him, of course. Instead, Theo turned to Pansy. 

"You know, now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure I heard that one of the Durmstrung boys was planning to ask her too." 

"I can't believe this," Draco sneered, his hands turning into fists. 

"What did you expect, mate? She's smart, pretty, and popular - lots of people probably want to ask her out." 

Pansy giggled, "Maybe I should ask her to the Yule Ball." Draco crumpled up his parchment and threw it at her head. "I'm just kidding, you prick!" 

"I have to ask her out," he said before storming away. 

"Wait! Right now?" Blaise asked incredulously.

He didn't respond, instead he let the door slam shut behind him as he stepped out of the common room.

It turned out asking Y/n out was not the difficult part. No, it was tracking her down that was difficult. Surely one of the many Potter worshippers would've known where he and his friends had gone off to but apparently, people weren't as obsessed with him as he had initially thought. Finally, he cornered Longbottom in the library who eventually sputtered out that they might be visiting Hagrid. 

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