Ch.9 To Be Settlement

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This is a short chapter

~~~3 Months~~~

It's been five months since Tessia made contact with the outside world and to say the least, she really is made out of clay. The test show that she has the same reproductive organs as a regular female as well as the body parts of one. The only way I found out is through Regigigass, he told me how he used the same process to make her, just how he made Rock, Ice, Steal, Drago, and Eleki. Not sure how to handle this information, I decided to keep her in the dark. I'll tell her soon as she had the right to know, but now is not the right time to do so as she just recently getting conferrable her.

I called Father and Wulfric and told them about the discovery and they both agreed to keep it a secret. Father was even kind enough to make her an official citizen of Kalos which would help her out in the future and keeping her identity a secret.

I decided to personally take her under my wing, teaching her everything I know from our main language Ego, to a little bit of researching, Pokemon health, and battling. In just a little under three weeks she manage to learn Ego and hold full fledge conversations with me and then I decided to let her out and explore the city, of course with me by her side as I worry about her. When it comes to researching, I show her what I look at and it's mainly the properties of the legendaries Pokemon's power. For her this is to much for her to understand so she just helps me with writing down the data and paperwork. 

When it came to battling, she was a natural. Her battle prowess was second too non. I gave her a Mareep with the ability static and decided to take her to the mountains to catch a Gible. She dodge all the super effective movies and when the gable went in for Bite, she allowed it to get hit activating static. It's not every battle you see a trainer willingly let their Pokemon get hit. I only saw this once when a purple hair trainer from Shinon came for an exhibition match. He almost had me but to utilize Electivier ability and tack advantage of it to defeat Garchomp, who has a type advantage, now that's something else. Normally this battle tactic would be frowned upon but what ever works right.

(Can't remember if ground types can be affected by static but just roll with it.)

Living arrangements was not really difficult as I offered my bed and she just jumped on it. . . Yea you thought she would ask, 'Are you sure?' or, 'I can't have it! It's your home.' Yea thank you Cynthia for spoiling her. She's been frequently visiting 'me' as she said but in reality it's to spend time with Tessia. I don't mind them spending time with each other as Cynthia is kind enough to make food for us every time she visits which saves me time, but you know what's not kind? She decided to call me Nerd! Cynthia got a cute nickname which was just Cyn, but she manage to fool Tessia into calling me a Nerd! Even though she is not wrong.

"Prof. Nerd. Why are you looking at that blue hair woman?" 

I snapped out of my trance as I realized that I been staring at the T.V with the Pokemon Showcase going on as the person on stage right now is Dawn. "Oh, she use to help me with research a lot. Now she is focusing on being a coordinator and a performer."

"Performer. . ." She sounded interested. 

Though, I can't blame her, it catches most females eyes. I decided to take a break from my work and decided to close the gym for the day.


"Finally after. After my year journey! I will finally defeat the Snowbelle City gym leader."

I walked up to the gym door and when I go to open it.

"Sorry we are close for the month. Please come back in 30 days." A robotic voice said.



Who ever that trainer was, I'm sorry. 

Anyway after I closed the gym I put on the Pokemon Showcase on the big T.V as Tessia happily sat on the couch and watched the Showcase as I grabbed some popcorn and sat next to her. After Dawn performance, it was Serina's and to the looks of it, she caught an Eevee. Their performance was going well until her Eevee made a mistake, she tripped on her ribbon and fell, but despite that they still continued with their performance. Then the last one, Selene, with her Decidueye and my Deoxys. I smiled, guess it finally found something it likes. 

I decided to talk with Deoxys using our mental connection.

"Break a leg." I thought as I felt Deoxys joy through our connection but also confusion.

"Is break a leg one of those good human theoretical slangs?"

"Yes it is."

"Thank you master."

"No problem partner."

After are quick interaction, I started to enjoy their performance along side Tessia who excitedly watch. When Selene was done, she bowed and waved to the crowd and left the stage for the next performer can perform, I believe her name was Jocelyn or something, I don't know, I don't care. I got up to go back to do my work but Tessia jumped on me and sat on my preventing me from getting up.

"Don't leave. Stay." She said in a demanding tone while trying to put on a serious face, but she failed as I find it cute and adorable that she try to be serious. 

I gave a small smile dropping my stoic face and gave a tiny chuckle. "I alright princess."

I sat back down as Tessia held me around my neck to prevent me from leaving. Even though I find it cute, I feel relax sensation. . . Something I didn't feel around Dawn, Selene, and even Cynthia. 


Her. Tessia. For the first, in my 18 years of life. I don't feel tense. Maybe because I feel the need to protect her everyday. No, this woman is probably older than me. 



Drago told me that she's been alive for only 17 years exactly when I found them. Am I in love again? 



No, no, no, no, no, no!

She doesn't know love! And my last relationship(s), I fucked up!


I looking at Tessia snuggling into my chest. 

I guess. . .

Just. . .

Just maybe. . .

"Y/n. . ." Tessia spoke while still admiring the performers performance. "Can I be one of. them and maybe perform against the queen?" She asked

I looked at her, amazed of her choice. I guess she found interest. 

A smirked grew.


An even bigger one grew. 

I pulled out a small traveling backpack. Something that all trainers use and gave it to her. 

"Pack light, we leave tomorrow morning." 

1. Aerodactyl


3. Rhyperior

4.Deoxys(Shiny) and ?????????

5. Sceptile (Mega. Shiny)

6. Kuroiryuu (Shiny Rayquaza)/????????

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