Ch. 8 To Have Fantasy Dreams and Nightmares

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This Chapter revolves around a lot of Spanish and I'm kinda to lazy to translate so good luck to only English speaking monos :)


"Dentener! No les hagas daño!"

A woman, white hair, light green eyes that seem empty and. . . she. . . well. . . to be straight. . . she's naked. . . nice cu-


"Don't stare at her idiot!" Cynthia shouted while punching me on the top of my head. 

"Not my fault she appears out of no where!" I shouted while pointing at her.

"No nos hagas daño!" She said while covering her face while we continue to bicker

"Okay, what is she saying!"

I forgot she was there. Now that I think of it, I didn't think anyone still spoke that language. "Uhhhh. . . Let me try something. . . Me entiendes?" I asked gaining a shocked expression which means she does. "Quién eres?"

"No. . . No sé. . . quién soy?" She asks as she her self doesn't even know.

"Est soy Y/n Ryuco Herrmann."

"Y/n. . . por qué estás aquí?"

"Aquí desaparecieron personas. Me enviaron aquí para investigar con mi amiga." I replied referring to Cynthia.

"Entonces porque lastimaste a Regidrago y Regieleki?"

Regidrago and Regieleki? I guess we have a name. "Originalmente ese no era el plan, pero nos atacan así que tuvimos que defendernos?" 

"Mentiroso! Nunca harían daño a nadie!" She shouted. 

Guess I pissed her off, but I'ma be honest. . . Ima just giver my coat so Cynthia doesn't hurt me for star-


"Would you stop staring at her body you creep!" Cynthia shouted as she punched my head scaring the titans and the girl.

"Ow! Its not my fault that she doesn't have any clothing!" I shouted back as I got up and placed my coat around her. "Cúbrete con esto." I said calmly as to not to scare her.

"Gracias señor. . ."

"Ningún problema. Ahora, antes de continuar. Galvantula. Some assistance please." I brought out one of my strongest Pokemon, Galvantula. He actually the one who makes my coats and I must say, they are cozy. "Galvantula, can you make some clothing for her?" I asked pointing to the white hair woman.

"Ga Gal." 

"Thank you." I said as he started to make his way to the woman as she crawls away in fear. Regidrago and Regieleki charged up an attack ready to fire at him. I told Galvantula to hold and I made my way to her. I crouched down to her and held her hand. "Señorita, no tenga miedo, mi amiga le va a hacer la ropa para taparse."

She nodded and held man hand tighter, "Está bien. . . usted puede parar mi amigos. . ." Both titans stop their attacks and I signaled Galvantula to come make the clothing. As he was making the clothing, keeping the woman busy. I walked up to the titans.

"Re Regidrago Regi."

"Re regi re re re regi. Regi regi regi re re regigi" I said

"regi gi regieleki leki regi. . ."



"Re gi gi gi regi. Regi gi regi."

Both titans looked at each other and nodded. I pulled out a pink Pokeball, specifically a Healball. I tapped both of them lightly and they enter. One wobble went to two, then three, and it stopped. I finished my mission. 

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