16: You're the one I must trust?

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"Not now," she hushed, pulling a roll of bandages from the pocket of her brown dress.

Jisung watched as she began wrapping his arm. "But Mama-"

"Jisung, you must quiet down."

"Why did he call you a witch?"

His mother tied the bandage off with a slight jerk. "Because if I had the strength to, I would kill him."


A bellow of rage and a crash rang outside Jisung's door, loud even over the blizzard swirling outside. Jisung flinched, and his mother's hands flew back as hot flames sparked along his hands and up his wrists.

Everything in his body tensed, eyes wide on the flames he could not understand how to control. He fell back, afraid of burning his mother.

"Jisung, you must breathe, my darling," she urged, reaching forward.

"Mama, don't, I'll hurt you!" he protested, pressing his back into the wall.

"You won't." She caught his hands, only wincing a little at the burn that met her skin. But she didn't move away. "Just as we practiced, Jisung. Breathe in slowly, feel the current of your magic. And pull it back into your hands to control."

Doing his best to ignore the sounds of his violent father, Jisung obeyed his mother, focusing on her, on the power her words always gave him.

"That's my boy," she let out, causing him to open his eyes.

The flames were gone, but his mother's hands were red and trembling from burns. "I told you I would hurt you!"

"You must keep quiet!" she hushed, once again taking his hands. "He has already hurt you, but he will not hesitate to go beyond that."

Jisung's chest was tight, aware of his arm hanging in shreds from that shattered bottle of wine, the cuts and wounds riddling his back and his left hip. All which he received from his father within a split second of pure wrath. "I have destructive magic, that's why he wants to kill me."


"Because he knows I will destroy everything I touch." He hugged himself, cowering away from the caring hands he didn't deserve to be touched by. Tears pricked his eyes, but he didn't allow them to fall. "I don't want to hurt you anymore, Mama."

Her dark eyes filled with sadness, and she reached forward, cupping his face in her hands. "You will not hurt me, Jisung." They both flinched at the sound of a slamming door, but she nudged his head to keep his eyes on her. "All will be well, I promise."

"When?" he whispered, voice breaking.

"Soon, my darling." His mother sat on the floor beside him, soothing him with burned hands as she held him close like she used to when he was small.

The next thing Jisung knew, a blanket was falling over his shoulders, and his mother was stepping away.

"No one will ever be able to trap you again, my Jisung."

His head was heavy, eyes falling closed as if he couldn't wake up. But beyond his closed eyes, a soft light filled the room.

"Your magic will protect you and what you value most. Nothing w..." His mother's voice faded along with his consciousness.

Then Jisung awoke in darkness, angry, violent yelling shaking him from sleep. He shot to his feet, fire and ice spreading through his chest and down his limbs. "Mama." His hands slammed into the door, and his heart fell as he realized the door handle was gone.

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