Chapter 1

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It's 2004 The Year Of The American Idiot!

Billie is 2 1/2 months pregnant he's single and not showing yet

It's an early morning in the studio after a late night of recording and Billie is in the bathroom with his head in the toilet puking his guts out. "Billie come on!" Mike yells. "Morning Sickness!" Billie yells back to Mike from behind the closed bathroom door. "Shit sorry dude" Mike says. "Michael just step away from that damn bathroom door" Tre yells to Mike being silly. Billie comes out of the bathroom looking whiter then a ghost and grabs a bottle of water. "Lets get to work guys" Billie says. Billie sits down with his acoustic guitar to work on Boulevard Of Broken Dreams. Mike walks over adding bass. They finish and Billie looks sick again. "I'm gonna go on a walk I need some air" Billie says. "Be careful Billie" Tre says to his best friend. "Guys Billie look really sick" Tom the sound guy adds. "Growing humans in your stomach will do that to you Tom" Tre states. "I'm glad he took a time out outside, I can do some drums without giving him a headache" Tre says. Tre starts recording his drums. An hour later Billie comes back from his walk ready to do some more work. They finish Boulevard Of Broken Dreams just in time for lunch. 

Later that night Billie, Mike and Tre end up getting back home to the house they all share together around midnight. Billie looks though the pantry. "Why don't we have any food in this house?" Billie states. "Because no one is ever here thats why now go to bed Billie Joe Armstrong" Tre says. "But the baby and I are hungry" Billie wines. Tre looks in the fridge. "Look theres cheese now eat this Billie" Tre says handing Billie the cheese. "I'm going to bed" Tre says. "Me too" Mike adds. "I'll be in in a minute Mike" Billie says to Mike. A couple of minutes later Billie climbs in bed with Mike and falls rights to sleep.

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