We Threw A Rager

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Despite the very heavy load of homework that the third-years had been given for the holidays, I was in no mood to work when term ended, and spent the week leading up to Christmas enjoying myself as fully as possible along with everyone else.

Gryffindor Tower was hardly less crowded now than during term-time; it seemed to have shrunk slightly, too, as its inhabitants were being so much rowdier than usual. Fred and George had had a great success with their Canary Creams, and for the first couple of days of the holidays, people kept bursting into feather all over the place. Before long, however, all the Gryffindors had learnt to treat food anybody else offered them with extreme caution, in case it had a Canary Cream concealed in the center.

Snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its grounds now. The pale blue Beauxbatons carriage looked like a large, chilly, frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was Hagrid's cabin, while the Durmstrang ship's portholes were glazed with ice, the rigging white with frost. The house-elves down in the kitchen were outdoing themselves with a series of rich, warming stews and savory puddings, and only Fleur Delacour seemed to be able to find anything to complain about.

"It is too 'eavy, all zis 'Ogwarts food," I heard her saying grumpily, as I left the Great Hall behind her one evening. "I will not fit into my dress robes!"

"Oooh, there's a tragedy," Hermione said snappily, as Fleur went out into the Entrance Hall. "She really thinks a lot of herself, that one, doesn't she?"

I snorted, following Ginny up towards Gryffindor Tower. "I hate being popular," I sighed.

Ginny frowned at me. "Said no one ever. Why?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a little booklet. "Because now I have to buy gifts for Charlotte, Savannah, Bridget, Sarah, Ellarose, Nevaeh, Halley, Freya, Ashley, MJ, Caridy, Rebekah, Remus, Lawrence, Neville, Max, Aubrey, Dove, Celeste, Matilda, Kiara, Nina, Marella, Prada, Kya, Maye, Nora, Millie, Della, Luna, Davina, Kella, Candace, Sofia, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Neville, Greta, Emeric, Vanya, Kristopher, Percy, Charlie, Bill, Mum, Dad, Remus, Sirius and you. That's freaking expensive."

Ginny's eyes widened. "Oh damn. I really should be panicking more. How about I get some, you get some, and we sign the notes together?" she suggested.

I gave Ginny a squeeze. "You are by far the smartest person I know," I told her.

Hermione spun round to glare at me. "Excuse me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on Hermione, we all know all you have is book smarts, and Ginny has street smarts and common sense," I pointed out.

Ron frowned. "We have common sense," he lied unknowingly.

I raised an eyebrow, turning to Matilda, who was right beside me. "Shall we?"

Harry scoffed. "Shall we what? You have nothing on us."

Ginny cleared her throat. "Once I make my move the queen will take me. Then you're free to check the kiiiing ✨." she said sassily. Hermione covered her mouth.

"Naur, Ron nAuR!" I shouted dramatically.

"What is it?" Matilda asked in a high pitched voice.

"he's going to sacrifice himself 👹!" I told her in a weird voice. The people in the hall stopped to look at us strangely.

"Naur you cAn'T, there must be aNAURther way!" Matilda continued.

"Do you wanna stop Snape from getting that stone or not?" Ginny shouted. "hArRy, it's you who has to go on I naur it. Not me, not Hermione, yOu!"

The hall was dying of laughter, while the golden trio went pink. "That's not even how it went!" Ron argued.

"And how do you know about that anyway?" Harry asked.

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