🎁🛷🦌🎅🤶🎄Merry Christmas, Jerks 🎄🤶🎅🦌🛷🎁

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So Pomfrey decided it was a good idea to force me and Harry to stay in the Hospital Wing for the rest of the weekend. What a load of rubbish that was. I left the second she turned her back.

Unfortunately, on Monday Scar-face returned to the land of freedom, and everyone became all sappy over him, which was complete bogus. Lupin returned to work, and gave me 50 house points for doing everyone's homework.

November passed in a flash. Ravenclaw flattened Hufflepuff in their Quidditch Match, which gave the Gryffindors hope. 

It was almost the holidays, and half of my friends were staying at school. We'd gotten close to Bridget and her Slytherin roomies, mostly cause the Vellanis, Whites, Graces, Greenblatts, Wrights, and Adams' have been friends forever, and all of the others were a package deal.

So that meant Ginny and I would be hanging with Marella, Ellarose, Matilda, Nini, Aubrey, Dove, Nora, Della and Luna for the holidays.

On the last weekend of school before the Christmas holidays, there was a Hogsmeade trip for all the third years, fourth years, fifth years, sixth years and seventh years. After protesting our rights to McGonagall, I decided to not admit defeat and take everyone on a field trip to Hogsmeade myself.

So that weekend, before the third-years and older went, Caridy, Rebekah, Charlotte, Nini, Candace, Ginny, Kella, Aubrey, Matilda, Dove, Remus, Nevaeh and I journeyed through the secret passage through to Honeydukes. 

From their, we split up, mini Aubrey, mini C&R and Nevaeh went off merlin knows where, Caridy, Rebekah and Charlotte vanished, Nini, Candace, Kella and Matilda all went to see the Shrieking Shack, Ginny and Aubrey invited me to come with them to the Three Broomsticks, but I declined, instead looking around Honeydukes before all of the older kids came and bought everything. 

I purchased a few sugar quills and chocolate frogs, before darting into the Three Broomsticks. Ginny and Aubrey were nowhere to be seen, so I settled into a corner booth. 

Barely ten minutes past before the older kids shuffled in and the pub began to fill up. I sipped my butterbeer and watched as Ron, Hermione and Harry walked in. Hermione and Harry made their way to a table a few feet away from mine while Ron got drinks. The trio clearly hadn't noticed me, and I ignored them.

Until the teachers came in.

Professors McGonagall and Flitwick, Hagrid and Fudge walked into the pub. Ron and Hermione shoved Harry under the table, and I grinned as the group sat in between me and the trio. The Christmas tree suddenly moved to block the three from sight, and I laughed silently.

Madam Rosmerta made her way over, clicking her sparkly turquoise heels and carrying a tray of drinks. "A small gillywater --" 

"Mine," McGonagall said, taking the drink. 

"Four pints of mulled mead --" 

"Ta, Rosmerta," Hagrid smiled. 

"A cherry syrup and soda with ice and umbrella --" 

"Mmm!" Flitwick smacked his lips. 

"So you'll be the red currant rum, Minister." 

"Thank you, Rosmerta, m'dear," Fudge told the woman. "Lovely to see youagain, I must say. Have one yourself, won't you? Come and join us...."

"Well, thank you very much, Minister," Rosmerta fetched herself a drink from the bar and returned, sinking into the chair next to McGonagall. "So, what brings you to this neck of the woods, Minister?"

Fudge's body twisted and I quickly used my magic to cast an illusion over where I was sitting. "What else, m'dear, but Sirius Black? I daresay you heard what happened up at the school at Halloween?" Fudge said in a quiet voice.

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