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So Ron and Hermione fought. Again. According to Ron, Hermione's cat ate Scabbers. But I doubt it. Peter probably did something. He wouldn't just let himself be eaten by a cat. He's a wimp, but not that horrible. 

Hermione became close with Nina and Candace. Neither girls told her about Peter, threatened by me. Hermione would go back to them eventually, she always did. Harry always took Ron's side, Hermione got upset, but she always ended up being right. 

Ron has been going on about the stupid rat for ages. It was getting really annoying. And Harry wasn't much better. The teachers hadn't found anything with his broom and gave it back to him. On the morning of the Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor Quidditch match, he strutted through the hall, showing off his Firebolt like a trophy. Everyone surrounded him like flies to honey, wanting to see the Firebolt.

At the actual game, I'm pretty sure people were more excited to see the Firebolt than the actual game. Even Lee Jordan, Gred and Forge's friend who was doing the commentating, was fixated on the broom, unable to shut up about it even with McGonagall yelling in his ear. All eyes were on Scar-face, much to my annoyance. The Ravenclaw Seeker, Cho Chang, seemed more intent on stopping him from catching the Snitch than trying to find it. Harry caught on pretty quickly, using it to his advantage. The two suddenly charged towards the Ravenclaw end, when Cho pointed down. Three dementors were staring up at Harry, who pulled his wand out a shot a Patronus at them before catching the Snitch.

Madam Hooch's whistle sounded, and the Gryffindor Team piled on Harry, hugging him. Gryffindors ran onto the pitch, yelling in congratulations. I looked towards the dementors, which to my surprise, were being yelled at by McGonagall. The cloaks and hoods moved, and I spotted a familiar blonde ferret's hair. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and the Slytherin captain were struggling to remove themselves from the robes. I laughed. Serves them right.

The day was lost from there. It was like Gryffindor had already won the Quidditch Cup, given the party stretching through the rest of the day and into the rest of the night. Fred and George supplied the entire party after vanishing to Hogsmeade for a few hours.

Hermione was the only one who wasn't enjoying the festivities, instead staying in a corner studying intently. Harry approached her, and the poor girl looked hysterical. Ron wasn't helping either, exclaiming loudly, "If Scabbers hadn't just been eaten, he could have had some of these Fudge Flies, he used to really like them -" 

Hermione burst into tears, tucking her enormous book under her arm and running upstairs, still crying. I looked around, but no one seemed to notice her absence except for me. I sighed before picking up two bottles of butterbeer and following her upstairs.

Hermione was sobbing on her bed, her book sat on the floor in front of her. It was a depressing sight to see. But I would do the same in her position. Her friends just abandoned her, Harry always picks Ron's side and it's horrible for the poor girl.

I knocked on the door quietly, and Hermione turned to look at me. "Hey there," I said softly. I held up the bottles of butterbeer. "I brought a peace offering." Hermione smiled gently, and I moved to sit next to her on the bed, placing one of the bottles in her trembling hand.

We sat drinking in silence before she spoke. "How do you deal with it?" Hermione asked, not looking at me.

"Deal with what?" I asked, taking another sip of butterbeer and letting the warm liquid fill my body. Hermione shrugged. "Or deal with who?"

"Your brother," Hermione leaned against the wall, wiping her cheeks.

"Ron or Harry?" 

"Either. Both," Hermione shrugged.

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