🎶We're off to go to Hogwarts. The Wonderful Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry🎶

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I woke long before the sun the next morning, and wasn't able to go back to sleep. I shrug on a pair of black ripped jean shorts and a white shirt, before going downstairs and out into the muggle world for a walk, ignoring what Fudge had instructed. 

The muggle world was more peaceful than the wizarding one, by a lot. I strolled down the street, and turned a corner, running into a big black dog. "Hey Sirius. How's the convict life treating you?" I asked the dog, who barked. I walked off into an alley, and the dog followed me, turning into Sirius Black when we were out of sight. "How is this possible?" he murmured. "Well here I am, your besties daughter right here," I smirked. "That's not what I - hang on, who are you?" he asked. "Peyton Mary Marlene Potter, pleasure to meet you," I smirked at his face. "That's not possible," he mumbled. "It is. Technology is very advanced. How's the hunt for Pettigrew going?" I ask. Sirius eyed me. "How do you know so much?" he asked. "Lily Potter kept extensive diaries. I've been reading them. Let me guess, you escaped from prison to commit the murder that got you put in prison," I raised an eyebrow. Sirius nodded. "Pettigrew is hiding with the Weasley family," he said. I faltered. "What? No he isn't," I frowned. "Yes, he's the rat," Sirius said. "The rat?" I gasp as realization dawns. "Scabbers. A normal rat can't live past four at the most, but we've had him for twelve years. And his toe ..." I lean against the wall. "Scabbers is Ron's rat, and he seems extra careful with him lately. Should I try and get him for you or something?" Sirius nodded. "Thank you ... Peyton," he said, turning back into a dog.

I walked back towards the Leaky Cauldron and opened the door, walking inside. Mum turns to from at me. "Where have you been?!" she demanded. "Went for a walk," I shrugged, sitting down. "You aren't allowed to go into the muggle world while we're here!" Mum said. "That's why I didn't tell you," I raised my eyebrow like it was obvious and went up to my room. 

Minerva was sleeping in her cage and Malia was lying on the bed snoozing. I put my headphones on and started my loop while I read one of my books; The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis. There was a knock at the door about an hour later, and Fred and George walked in. "Ah, Chaos and Chaos. What can I do for you?" I asked, pausing the music. "Mum says hurry up," Fred told me, and I get up. With a wave of my hand, Malia floats into her carrier, and my trunk, along with Minerva's cage and Malia's carrier float up. "Why are you doing magic outside of school?" George asked. "I removed the Trace when I was nine, keep up," I walked passed them, my bags floating past me. 

When I get downstairs, Dad was reading the frontpage of the Daily Prophet with a furrowed brow and Mum was telling Hermione and Ginny about a love potion she'd made as a young girl. All three of them were rather giggly. Harry, Ron and the twins walk in and sit down next to me. "What were you saying?" Ron asked Harry as they sat down. "Later," Harry muttered as Percy stormed in. After breakfast, we had to deal with the chaos of leaving.

Dad, who had been outside waiting for the Ministry cars, stuck his head inside. "They're here," he said. "Come on." Dad marched Harry and me across the short stretch of pavement toward the first of two old- fashioned dark green cars, each of which was driven by a furtive-looking wizard wearing a suit of emerald velvet. "In you get," said Dad, glancing up and down the crowded street. Harry got into the back of the car and I, in turn, got in the other one. I was joined by Mum, the twins and Ginny. The journey to King's Cross was very uneventful, mostly spent the boys whispering under hushed tones, Ginny trying eavesdrop, Molly sighing that the twins were giving her a migraine, and me just reading in the corner. 

We reached King's Cross with twenty minutes to spare; the Ministry drivers found us trolleys, unloaded our trunks, touched their hats in salute to Dad, and drove away, somehow managing to jump to the head of an unmoving line at the traffic lights. Dad kept close to Harry's elbow all the way into the station. "Right then," he said, glancing around them. "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry." Dad strolled toward the barrier between platforms nine and ten, pushing Harry's trolley. With a meaningful look at Harry, he leaned casually against the barrier, and the boy imitated him. In a moment, they had fallen sideways through the solid metal. "Ginny and Percy, you next," Molly said. "I can go with Ginny," I sighed, and we copied what Dad and Harry had done, falling sideways onto platform nine and three- quarters.

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