“Oookay, then, who are we bitching about today?”

“Your best friend,” Rishabh supplied.

“What’d you do, Ish?”

Mayank scowled. “Oi, aukaat mein. He’s my best friend,” He scooted closer to Ishan protectively.

Abhishek scoffed at the incredulity. “Relax, you met him in ninth. I’ve known him since elementary.”

“Yet I’m his best friend. Speaks volumes, Sharma.”

“Does he think of you as his best friend?” Abhishek leaned back, crossing his arms.

“Of course. Right, Ish?”

Tilak looked at them, amused at the immaturity. “Can’t you both be his best friends?”

“No!” They replied in unison.

Ishan looked around, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “Shut up, you two. People can hear you,” he chided quietly.

“He’s my best friend, case closed.” Abhishek smirked. Mayank was about to retort, when Shubman stepped in.

“I didn’t come here all the way to find out you’re cheating on me, Abhi,” Shubman said, settling next to him.

Lo, aa gaya best friend,” Rishabh whispered to Tilak.

Abhishek glanced at Ishan, who appeared to be seething as he tightly clenched his spoon. “Shub, did you leave something behind in my dorm?” He asked, his laughter tinged with nervousness.


“Well, then are you going to say why you’re here?”

Shubman’s smile was making Ishan uncomfortable, which was probably the aim. He shifted uneasily in his seat and focused on his food instead.

“I missed you,” Shubman drawled,  hugging Abhishek who pushed him away with a scoff.

“Why are you missing me all of a sudden when I’ve been here for almost a year now?” He swatted away Shubman’s hand trying to steal his fries.

Ishan cast a suspicious glance at the duo. His hunch was proving to be right. He came to spy on them!

“Careful, Abhi. I’m a delicate little flower,” He rubbed his hand, quoting what Ishan had said. Ishan quickly looked away when Shubman met his eyes, sporting a little smirk.

“You’re embarrassing me,” Abhishek chided, pulling him up. “Let’s go somewhere else. I’ll catch up with you later, guys,” he added, addressing the rest of the group.

Once they were out of earshot, Rishabh leaned in with a gasp. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Ishan nodded, his brows furrowed in seriousness.

“What are we thinking?” Tilak asked, blinking in confusion. He hated when they acted like telepaths.

“They are spying on us.”

“They’re dating.”



Rishabh snorted. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Do you hear yourself?!” Ishan cried out, almost choking on his food.

“He came all the way from Meridian to meet Abhi, isn’t that so cute?” Rishabh clasped his hands dreamily as Ishan scrunched his face.

Mayank snorted. “I don’t know which one’s worse, actually.”

Ishan turned to Mayank with a serious expression. “What, you don’t think so?”

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