𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧~ 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞

Start from the beginning

I could see two big bruises already starting to form on my face. The first strike did real damage since the bruise was taking up most of my cheek.

I took a deep breath I could taste the blood in my mouth from my bloody nose, I regain myself reminding myself that this pain wasn't even half of the pain Jonathan put me through emotionally.

Then I bite down on the towel as hard as I can and without thinking I strike at myself over and over again, at my legs, my torso, my arms, my chest but this time I don't wince I keep striking at myself my bone were almost to breaking.

Then with one final blow at my chest I drop the wretch on the floor, my eyes wide as I look at myself in the mirror, my body completely bruised and bloody my night gown was covered in blood as well.

I take the towel out of my mouth, putting my hand over my mouth before I began to cry, my tears quickly turning into tears of laughter. I laugh hysterically falling onto my knees and wiping my tears away before getting back on my feet I look at myself in the mirror once more.

My gaze dropped towards the floor and the bloody wrench laying there I quickly kneel down to pick it up.

Turning the faucet on I wash all the blood off, as I did I looked down at the sink to see that blood was splattered everywhere, so I clean the sink as well. Making sure the counter was spotless.

Once everything was spick and and spam, I crack my neck exhaling slowly, before unlocking the door and limping my way out of the bathroom and back towards the garage where I put the wrench back where I found it.

Now that my first half of my plan was complete it was time to finish this off by giving the authorities a show. I get the keys from the kitchen and run out of the house.

It was dark, and as for what I could see there were no people outside so that meant no witnesses. I quickly climb into the car and turn on the engine I back up so fast that the tires screeched, leaving tire marks on the drive way.

Once I was out I drive off as if the devil was on my tail, I know a police station that's only five minutes away from this house seeing that this neighborhood was peaceful most of the time, I even know some of the officers.

I drive like a mad woman, reckless and careless people honked and swerved to the other lane I was close to hitting two cars but that's part of the act to make this as believable as possible, I needed witnesses I needed them to understand my fear my anger.

I gripped the steering wheel, as I began hyperventilating I made myself think like a victim and act like one. All that pent up anger inside me could finally come out and I'll finally get to taste that sweet taste of revenge.

Seeing the police starting a speed towards it and and quickly press the break no way would a woman in my position care about parking right I Turn off the engine and crawl out the car, now it was time to give them a show.

I limp over towards the Police station forcing myself to cry, acting distressed. "Help me!" I screamed and cried as I walked into the police station.

The police man who sat at the front office immediately stood up and ran towards me, seeing me in my state he talked on his walkie-talkie. "I need back up, there's a distressed woman at the receptionist."

"Ma'am what happened?" The police said man said his voice trembling slightly from my state.

"My husband, h-he beat me and raped me." I chocked out. "Please don't tell him I'm here, he threatened to kill me." I pleaded.

"Where is your husband now?" The police man asked looking appalled from what just told him.

"He still at home he doesn't know I'm here." I said my voice trembling, soon other polices showed up completely shocked at my appearance.

"Linda?" One of the police man asked recognizing me almost immediately, Eli who was chief of this police station an older man with a bit of a gut I know him from participating in community service,  he ran up to me supporting me on my feet. "Who did this to you?" He demanded.

"Chief, thank god you're here, J-Jonathan he beat me and raped me." I cried putting my hand over my mouth.

He looked me in disbelief. "Someone call an ambulance!" He shouted at the other officers.

The police men scattered around one calling the ambulance while the others ran out towards their police cars as Eli told them my address on the walkie-talkie.

This is it I've won, and now Jonathan's going to be in cuffs and behind bars, while I was waiting for the ambulance to arrive they asked me questions, questions in which I was prepared for.

I told them about Jonathan's affair, and how he went totally ballistic on me when I threatened to leave him he beat me, raped me and threatened to kill me telling them every detail of a story that never even happened.

Of course I was the victim in this story and Jonathan was the monster, the police also took note of my injuries, taking pictures of different parts of my bruised bloody body, and taking my panties for DNA testing.

As a police officer handed me a blanket to wrap myself in, the paramedics came sprinting they were in shock to see how bad I was beaten, to the point where I was almost unrecognizable.

As I was lifted In the stretcher Eli reassured me. "You don't have to worry about Jonathan anymore Linda, we'll take care of him from here."

My eyes softened making sure I looked as vulnerable and weak as possible. "Thank you, thank you so much." I teared up.

Then I was rushed towards the ambulance.

"He could've damn near killed her." One of the officer's said to Eli.

Eli shook his head. "It's unimaginable, I could've never thought that man could've done something this extreme to that beautiful woman, fucking monster."

As I was lifted up into ambulance I couldn't help but smile at myself while no one was looking.

I destroyed him, and now he'll be seen as the scum on this earth. He'll pay for breaking my heart and my mind.

Everything is going just as I planned.

𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now