𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Talk to me" I said to Claire once we got comfortable on the Leather sofa, Claire sighed and shook het head as she wiped away her tears.

"I can't believe I'm crying over something so fucking stupid." Claire said there was some harshness in her tone but I could see she was only projecting these emotions on herself.

"Come on Claire, don't be so harsh on yourself." I said as I gave her a reassuring shoulder rub.

"It's just my job, my fucking boss it's as if his only job is to make me more miserable than I already am, I came to America for better things and now that im here I can't exactly say I'm living the American dream."

I nodded at Linda,  I couldn't argue with her America is not at all what we make it to be.

"Look, I don't know the extent of the problem, but if  your job is really making life more dreadful than it already is, Quit." I said to Claire as she stared at me as if I've just lost to my head.

"As tempting as that sounds I can't-" Claire said before she could finish her sentence I put my finger over her lips softly.

"You can, because I'll talk to Jonathan he'll be able to get you a Job within a week at least, since he's linked up to so many companies you don't have to worry about finding another job." I said to Claire.

"You're such a gem Linda I don't know how to thank you." Claire finally said to me, as a waive of relief seemed to wash over her.

I smiled as I set my glass down on the marble table. "That's what friends do, I'll talk to Jonathan and I'll make sure he gets you that job you deserve."


I walked through crowds of people who were making their way out the front door it was nice to see that people were finally leaving after a night of celebrating and drinking.

I walked into the living room to see if I could find Jonathan although it was kind of hard to see him when there were people in the way blocking my view, but I finally got a glimpse of him in the kitchen.

As I walked closer I froze for a moment seeing Jonathan chatting to a young woman who was wearing a very conspicuous dress that showed it was very showy especially on the cleavage where she might actually have an "accidental" nip slip, she seemed to be getting a little too friendly with Jonathan for my comfort so I had to step in.

As I walked closer my blood went cold for a moment as I recognized this woman to be Jonathan's old assistant I was completely left in stunned, the last time I remember seeing her she was blonde but now she had dyed her hair brunette.

"Jonathan." I called out, as I walked over to him catching him by surprise.

"Linda, there you are." Jonathan said, he had this guilty look on his face as if my presence had completely caught him off guard which just made me a bit uneasy.

I looked over at Scarlett and she had that same exact look on her face, it just made my stomach churn.

Right off the bat my intuition was telling me something wasn't right here.

"Linda oh my god! It's so nice to see you, you look great." Scarlet grinned, trying to change the mood all of a sudden she was acting all bubbly.

Her act wasn't fooling me for a second, less than one minute ago she was getting all handsy with my husband and now she's talking to me as if we're long time reunited friends, I forced a smile enough to make it look real.

"Scarlett what a surprise, it's been a while I would've never expected you to spend new years at our home." I said.

Scarlett chuckled and shrugged I could see a nervous glint in her eyes. "I just thought it would be nice if I visited Jonathan, you know? See how he's holding up."

𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now