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Emelio Jones
(Melo) [25]

Emelio Jones(Melo) [25]————————————-

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Two Days Later...
Monday ~ 11:28am

I hadn't seen or talk to Rain since the whole incident. I been callin and texting, she ain't answered.

Usually I'd quit ts and just let her be but i can't. It don't sit right, especially not wit her.

"Bra she not talking to me". I expressed to my hbs as they sat on my couch.

I called them at the crack of dawn i needed them asap!!!

"You sick asab", Duce laughed.

I gave him a blank stare. "Ts not funny".

"Bra, send her some flowers, take her out to eat and say sorry". Quay suggested.

"Bra it's not that simple, she not just gone be like okay let me forgive this nigga". I explained. "Ts gotta be genuine".

"Okay make it genuine, boy u stressin too much. You gone fuck ts up urself if u keep on". J6 told me. He was right shi.

I sighed as I put my head back on the couch.

"It's gone be igh, ts was small she not gone dip over that". Duce reassured me.

"But what if she do bra. She ain't like these other bitches, she'll leave the first time". I ran my hands down my face.

Duce and Quay just laughed at me.

I don't find ts funny at all.

"Get out yall bout to piss me off". I gave a blank stare.

"Nigga you need our help". Duce laughed.

"Bra chill we just fw you". Quay laughed.

"Bra just think abt it, yall gone be ight". J6 pat my back as he stood up.

"Go pick her up from school today". Duce suggested.

"Finally niggas some help". I laughed.

"Shut up foo". He laughed. "We gone tho", Quay stated as they all got up.

"Igh, preciate it", I thanked them before they left.


Lorraine Jenkins
Rain [22]

Same day ~ 7:18pm

I had been running around doing errands all day cs ian have school.

I went grocery shopping, I got my oil changed, bought some clothes from the mall and helped at the salon.

I was tired af. But I had to clean the house up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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