691 22 5

Lorraine Jenkins
Rain [22]

3 Days Later...
Wednesday - 2:45pm

I was at the nail salon getting my toes and nails done with Celeste and Mani.

"Girl why Tyrek came over talmb he miss us". She laughed shaking her head.

"He's a good man savannah". I mimicked the tiktok sound.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "That man is a loser".

"Ikyfl". I started laughing. "Just see what he on, it might not be as bad as you think". I reassured her

"Idk I'll think abt it". She shrugged.

Tyrek is Celeste's baby father. She so hesitant to get back wit him bc he be disappearing out the blue.

I jhi don't even blame her tho because I get it.

"We'll all be a big happy family", I cheesed and squirmed a lil in the chair.

"Right mani?", I looked over at her.

"Huh", She looked up from her tablet not having a clue of what I was talking about.

"Rightttt", I nodded my head, pretending that she agreed.

"Girl", celeste laughed shaking her head.

~ Fast Forward ~

I had just finished getting my hair done after getting my feet and nails done.

I was feelin tf out myself cs period.

Very special by No Cap played loudly as I drove to target.

"They taught that extra shit in school, all I need to learn was chase a check". I rapped with the song.
"Walk' round with two hundred thousand cash, I feel very special".

It was now about 5:35, and I was just going to Target bc why not? Everybody loves Target.

When I pulled up, I got out of the car and grabbed a cart.

Before she began shopping, she went into Starbucks to get a refresher.

She didn't get too much from there. But a few books, a journal, some towels and a candle.

She made her way home. When she got inside she took her shoes off and then went to put her bags in her room.

She threw her new towels in the washer, then hopped in the shower.

Sexy Lady - Big don bino played as she washed up.

"Sexy lady gimme yo number I'm tryna go witchu, I'm tryna roll witchu, tryn get to know you".
"Scoop you up, take you out to eat. Drink & smoke witchu".

Melo put her onto this song and it been on replay ever since lmao.

About 20 mins later she got out the shower and put some lotion & cocoa butter on.

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