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A Week Later
Friday - 4:29pm

Lorraine and Melo haven't seen or spoke to eachother since the last time Lorraine was over.

well she really hadn't answered his text but...

She had just started her period and she ached of stomach cramps. She was craving some chocolate cake so she got up and went to the kitchen.

I'm glad af i can bake, she thought to herself.

She took a ibuprofen and drowned it back with water. She took out all the ingredients she needed and got out her bowls.

She pre-heated the oven to 375°. She then began to mix all of the dry ingredients together in one bowl, then mix all the wet in another.

She put the bowl under the mixer and mixed it till it got to the perfect consistency.

After that she poured the mixture into a oiled up pan and popped it in the oven.

She put a timer on her phone for 25 mins then went to the living room to watch tv.

Her phone began to ring as someone called her. She picked it up and saw it was her brother.

"hey", Lorraine answered the phone. "whatshannin slim". He greeted back over the phone.

"how you been", Her brother demonte asked her.

"shi cool fr, just been goin to school and working. how you been?", Lorraine asked him back as she scrolled through netflix on her TV.

"good fr, dude still messing wit you?", He asked in a serious tone. "no", she lied even though he had came knocking on her door last week.

Atp she was just tired of talking about it and she knew how he got bout her. So she kept quiet.

"oh ard wyd rn"? He asked her. "nothing in the house, baking".

"im bout to come over". He told her before hanging up.

"i hate when people do that damn". She shook her head before cutting on Blacklist.

25 mins later...

The alarm had rang on her phone so she went to take the cake out the oven. She put the mits on an took the cake out, carefully placing it on the stove.


She took a mit off and went to go open the door.

"wassup sis", He gave her a big bear hug, wrapping his arms around her torso.

"get yo big ass off me", She laughed pushing him away.

"damn a nigga just missed you. Last time i seen you i had to beat a nigga up". He laughed as he closed the door.

She chuckled lightly as she went back into the kitchen to make the icing for her cake.

"ouuu you made cake", Monte rubbed his hands together as he walked towards the kitchen area.

Lorraine was glad to see her brother. He was the only one that came around here and there. The other 2 just pulled up when she called.

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