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TW's- eating disorder, gender dysphoria, scar mentions, medication, 


It's been exactly one week since Tommy had been taken into this new foster home and he couldn't be happier with how it was turning out. Especially since it was Saturday meaning it was his day off, and Phil had said that him Tommy and Wilbur were going shopping today. Tommy was going to ask if Techno was coming but the twin seemed pretty anti-social in general so he decided against it. And normally he would protest against people buying him things but like, free things. Tommy likes free.

So here Tommy was, at the crack ass of dawn running on zero hours of sleep since he had worked last night and thought that pulling an all nighter as a vigilante till five in the morning would be the best option. It was in fact, not the best idea for him though. Because now he was sitting on the Samsung fridge because his random ADHD ass decided to remember feline hierarchy which ultimately led to him eating for the first time in two days.

Tommy takes another Cheeto out of the bag and sighs, he wasn't the biggest fan of the Cheeto puffs, the crunchy kind were better but they were decent so he tolerated them. A satisfying sound resonates from the 'chip' as he eats the food that was hidden from him on top of the fridge. He had also found a twelve pack of cola that was hidden up here as well so he had popped one of those bad boys open then pulled up a tv show on his phone. 

Tommy had been so preoccupied with the show and half eaten bag of Cheetos that he hadn't noticed when the stairs creaked and soft chatter came from upstairs. That was until he her his name being said. Well, not his name per se, It was his deadname but he took his earbuds out and looked towards the stairs to see Wilbur dressed in boot cut jeans and a brown button up short sleeve shirt. His hair was smiled the way it always was and he had his shoes on already. Phil, Wilbur's father and technically Tommy's foster father, was standing next to his son with a loose black shirt tucked into a pair of high waisted dark green pants. And the man was wearing flip flops.

"Do you think she's up yet-" Wilbur immediately pauses in his speech as his eyes meet Tommy's. Wilbur seemed to be contemplating if he were seeing things until he saw both his bag of Cheetos and one of Phil's cans of cola sitting next to his little sibling. Wilbur immediately frowned at the basically empty bag and walked right over to the fridge.

Phil just watched tiredly as Wilbur scaled the counter and tried to take the bag away from his little sister who hissed at him and threatened to bite Wilbur. Phil could only hope it was a joke, but that was until Wilbur fell off the counter holding his hand away from his shirt. There was brown liquid dripping from it and Phil sighs and watches Wilbur wipe off his hand with playful anger pointed towards Abby.

Phil walks over towards Abby with a sigh and looks up at her. "What're you doin' up there Abby?"

She grimaces for a slight second. "Well in feline cuture the boss or alpha male of the group will sit higher than the rest so symbolize its importations and position, or something like that." She shrugs and continues to eat the Cheetos. Phil laughed softly and decided not to take the Cheetos from her. He had barely seen her eat anything ever since she's been here. Which did make him worry but she was eating now so he was feeling a little better about it.

"Okay well if you're ready to get down then could we go shopping?" Phil asks his foster daughter with a kind smile. She lets out a sigh and just hops down from the fridge as if she'd had years of practice by the way she landed pwefectly. She even managed to not spill the soda when she landed. She keeps the bag of Cheetos to herself and threatens to rip Wilbur's nails off when the older brother had tried to take them back. It's safe to say that Wilbur quickly gave up as we all pilled into the car.

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